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This is gonna be a Catt(hew) one shot . It's gonna be sadddddd.. *sniffles*

Oh. Yeah. I'm making this because no one will comment or vote on my last one shot. Wahhh. I feel SOO loved. •_•


Carters P.O.V ~

I was in the hotel room that Matt and I shared. The boy who I was hopelessly in love with. His laugh. His smile. His hair. His body. His face. It all captivated me. I hated not being the person he was in love with. Not being the one to kiss him goodnight. To cuddle with him. To hold him. To do anything with him. But no , he was as straight as a flag pole. But the hate I got from everyone else didn't help it any. Words like




"Stupid piece of shit"


It all got to me. And there was only one thing that I could do to help me escape the pain. I brought out one of my many razor blades that I had from my box to my wrist. I slowly made a cut , watching the blood flow over. I  tried not to cut over any old cuts. This was the only thing that relieved me of the pain. I made a few more cuts. Then a few more. And slowly , slowly I was starting to feel sleepy. I could feel myself slipping away. Drifting off into the nothingness that I had already become. I heard the door burst open and someone scream. Then everything went silent. I was unconscious.


~Matts P.O.V ~

I threw the door open and walked in. And there was Carter. Laying on the floor against the bed . A razor blade in hand. Blood rushing down his arms. I screamed. Oh my god. Oh my god Carter. Why , why would you do this.!?!?! I rushed over to him and picked him up. I then hurridly got out my phone and dialed 911. I told them how I found him , and they said they would get there as fast as they could.  I can't believe Carter did this. How could I let this happen. The boy I was secretly in love with could be dead. If only I was there for him. I pretended to be straight because I didn't want any hate. (That rhymed and I didn't even mean for it to. Cx) God. Why am I so stupid.!? Soon the paramedics walked in and rushed him onto the stretcher.

*Magically skipping to the hospital*

~Third Persons P.O.V~

Matthew laid in the chair next to Carter on the bed. He had been there all night , crying. Waiting for the love of his life to wake up. He knew this was all his fault. If only he would have confessed his feelings. Matthew took a hold of Carters hand and  started to speak , "Carter, I'm so sorry. I should have told you how much I loved you from the beginning. I just couldn't , I didn't wanna deal with the hate. I'm in love with you Carter. I need you to survive for me baby. Please." He had tears streaming down his face as he finished. Suddenly the monitor started speeding up and going crazy. Matthew screamed for the doctors and nurses. "HELP HELP PLEASE. SOMETHINGS WRONG.!!!!!!"

They all rushed in and started doing there doctor stuff(I'm sorry. Idek. Lets pretend I wrote how they did all kinds of smart stuff.*laughing face cause emojis can't be used*)

Carters heart rate monitor thing stopped. There was a long flat line ,  and a long beep sound seemed to go on forever. He was dead. Carter had died.


Omg. I'm so sorry guys. I just. I had to. Ugh. I cried. It made me cry to write this. And I'm sorry if near the ending it got crappy , but I kinda got lazy....


But anywhore., I hope you liked it. Comment , vote ,  whatever.


~After while crocodiles.~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2014 ⏰

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