3 - Confrontation

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Kaightlin to the side


I'm just gonna say it. I hate Math class. 100%, it's torture, absolute torture. teaching students only half the things they'll use in normal life. it's pointless, like a double eraser ended pencil.

So here's how it went down today, I walk into class, and were switching seats. the teacher chooses where we sit, calls the names of her chart. and we sit in the old science lab, so we have tables with only enough room for two. Mrs. Kates is crafty, and corny so she calls us madpartners instead of lab partners. small change, but she giggles every time she says that. so I leaned against the dry erase board, awaiting my name to be called. I twiddled My thumbs, chewed on my jacket zipper. I was completely bored out of my mind. that is, until I heard Mrs. Kates call for Eileen Abernathy. I walked over to the table, sitting down and making myself comfortable. But then, when Mrs. Kates called the next name, and they didn't go to sit next to me, I knew it could only mean one thing.

one of the Hartford rebels Sat next to me in this class. all of our classes were full, and there were no kids sick today. the trouble was, no one knew which of the three it was. Neither Royce or Andrew or Emmet especially, ever came to class. not even the first day, it was kind of ridiculous. to me at least, other kids thought they were baddies. thought they were gods for getting under the teachers's skin. I think their just jerks who get off on the attention.

Nonetheless, now I have to sit alone. well, I guess, I guess that's not all bad. if I sit alone, I won't have to socialize. my grades could get better while I focused. (my grades weren't doing so hot). that and I have to try really hard not to make friends. I mean, I love my friends, all of them. and I actually have a lot, I'm just not very close with them. it's hard when you can't have friends over. my dad's really strict about that kinda thing. he doesn't like for me to socialize too much, wants me to stay quiet.

it took me a moment to notice how badly I'd spaced out. I to see what Kates was writing on the board. I could see every thing clearly, but her hand writing was fuzzy and illegible. I wrote down what I thought she had written, most the time I was pretty close. I just had to hope she didn't want me to present my answer.

But then, the most, amazing thing happened. The door opened, and spit out the last person we would have thought. It revealed a very annoyed looking Emmet. The whole class was silent, even Mrs. Kates had her jaw hanging open. We just sat and stared for a while.

It was easy to see that Emmet was getting ticked off with the attention. He turned to the class with an angry "what?" That sparked up a conversation between every student in class except me. I turned away to hide my face. Emmet had been watching me for some time this morning, and I didn't want to talk to him in class. Or at all really. That boy is trouble, trouble I don't need.

Kates was struggling to calm the class again, "alright now, let's quiet down. That's enough class. C'mon", our class really had no respect. Like at all, but when Karin Kates gets angry, everyone listens. As in now, in 3-2-1, " EVERYBODY SHUT UP". The class turned silent as when Emmet walked in.

"Ahh, thank you.", well it sounds like the sweet, plump, old lady we all know and love. "Mr. Ryker, your seat is there, next to Miss Abernathy. Miss Abernathy, please lift your head". I felt a pink blush creep onto my cheeks, and a sheepish smile on my lips as I looked up. I was being stared at by every student in the class. Emmet was staring too, satisfied look on his face.

I looked out the window as he sat next to me. There was tension in in the air, thick enough to use a butcher knife and still fail. Trying to ignore it, and him, I again squinted at the board. Doing problem after problem of pointless math till Kates decided to give us a lecture. Yay lecture! Note my imminent sarcasm.

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