No. this is not possible. No. I am hearing wrong. Lou cannot say that. I... I know its not Lou speaking... No... she understands me... she recognises my plans. She knows me better than me myself... No, these words are not real. I am hallucinating...

"Lou... You... You are serious?"

I couldn't speak. I am hurt. The only person in this world whom I love and respect the most is ashamed of me... And more so, she didn't recognise that I was faking. She didn't recognise. My Lou didn't recognise my plan! This never happened. Did we fall apart without my knowledge? Are we not as close as we were before? Did I miss something? Did my prison time change our dynamics? Does she no longer consider me as my best friend? Did she replace me with others? With... Tammy? Did I lost my place in her life? Am I no longer her Debbie?

"I am serious. Your granny crossed all her limits and you... who instead of confronting her... supported her... Who the hell is she to check on my life? Who the hell is she to speak about me and Tammy...? And who the hell is she that I should kneel and apologise...? You didn't even say a word to stop her from doing that"

What the hell is she speaking? I agree my gammy was wrong. She was wrong to spy on us. She was wrong to degrade Lou. She was definitely wrong to slut-shame Tammy. She was wrong in making Lou kneel and apologise and I also agree that I didn't defend the way they wanted me to do. But I was in dilemma. Lou... Lou was wrong too. Lou was wrong to get physical with my gammy. She fucking choked her. That's unforgivable. She then slapped my gammy. Those cannot be ignored. Also, Lou knows that I am bound to sentiments here and cannot speak against my gammy. Still she is accusing me.

"Stop it Lou... You can't just escape from your wrong deed by blaming my gammy. You choked her to death. You didn't even respect her age. And also, none of this would happen if you were conscious yesterday. It was you who was drunk. It was you who made a scene yesterday... It was you who choked my gammy... It was you who slapped her... It was..."

"Enough! I may drink, smoke, do whatever I want... She has no right to question it. She appointed spies. She is interrupting my private life and you want me to respect her? And her age? Women her age won't behave that way... She fucking crossed the line and I showed her the place... And you... left my side for her..."

Did she just say I left her side? I left her side? Why is Lou speaking like this? I never left her side. I did try my best to control the situation with my gammy just so that Lou will be spared. I mean to the best of my ability I did... I convinced gammy that there was nothing going on between Lou and Tammy. And if Tammy hadn't rushed towards Lou when she knelt down, I would have been on her side... In fact, if Lou hadn't knelt down, I would have done something and managed the situation.

"I left your side? How can you even say that? And whatever my gammy did, it was just to make sure I was fine. You knew there were people out there observing us... And still you did the stupidity... you knew your staff were compromised... but you didn't care... I now am thinking... you purposely did this just to insult my gammy"

"DEBBIE OCEAN. Mind your words. Don't you dare victimise yourself and put me in the bad light. It's your granny who did all this... She spied on me... She came here and created the fight... She insulted Tammy... She insulted me... She made me ask sorry... Sorry? Hmm you should be happy that I apologised twice... actually trice... once without kneeling and two times kneeling..."

What the hell! I am playing the victim card? Its Lou who is victimising herself. I am not denying that my gammy was wrong but if Lou didn't make this situation aggressive then I could've solved it by somehow consoling my gammy. It's Lou who got aggressive first. It's Lou who turned the conversation into argument.

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