Meeting Him

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Knock, Knock

"Come in" the two children heard from the other side of the door as Marigrate and Alfred looked at each other. " I guess we have to go in right sis?" Alfred says giving his award-winning a smile.

Nodding at her brother Alfred pulls the door open revealing
Miss  Katyusha Braginskaya sitting at her desk smiling at the two children

" Well hello you two glad to see you, please come in and take a seat" She jesters over to the big fake leather chair, the two climbed into the seat looking at their Caretaker

The three sat for a little while just in silence, Until Katyusha cleared her throat looking at the two children

" So I believe that both of you know why you are here, Yes?" Looking at the children, Alfred shakes his head in excitement as Marigrate gives a slight nod looking at the details of the desk.

"Okay so with that said I hope that they get here soon"  they are informed about their maybe future foster parents as the headmistress looks at the clock tapping her foot.

The three of them turn their heads hearing bickering on he other side of the door, soon followed by a knock on the door

As Katyusha told the people to come in a couple about in there twenties walk into the room a man and woman.

The man was more petite male who wore a white button down with a green vest over it and bash slakes he had dirty blond hair and green eyes, also oddly thick but well groomed eyebrows.

The woman to his left seemed like the kind of women you would see in movies, she had blond wavy hair that hung over her shoulders,her body was well built and she had settle make up that when we'll with her navy blue pencil dress

Katyusha smiles softly at the couple " Well hello, would you two perhaps be Franice Bonnfey and Arthur Kirkland? " Katyusha ask them, raising a brow

Marigrate was the first to lookvat the two her eyes observered them, Alfred took notice at this and looked at the two adults in front of him also.

 Best Friends' Little SisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang