Seeing the Unexpected

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*Seeing the Unexpected*

*Bailey's POV*

*Day of Audition*

Well, today's the day. Today is the day that I audition for the X Factor. And let me tell you something, I am a nervous wreck. I wasn't that nervous until the taxi driver pulled up to the venue. I knew that there was going to be a lot of people here, but there are way more people here than I had anticipated. The line was out the door and wrapped around the building.

After waiting for hours on end in the line, I was finally checked in. After walking into the massive waiting room, I realized that there was probably the same amount of people in here than there is outside. Great. That means I probably won't be auditioning for another few hours or so.

After a few moments of taking in my surroundings, I walked around the room, looking for any open seats. And just as I saw an open seat, I saw familiar blonde hair a couple of seats over. No way.

"Katey Horan!" I said loudly as I walked over to where she was sitting.

She looked up at the sound of her name and her eyes immediately went wide as she instantly stood up.

"What are you doing here?" She said in a panic.

"I could ask you the same question." I replied.

"Yeah, well, I asked first." She shot back, panic still clear in her voice.

"I'm auditioning. What do you think I'm doing here? And considering this is where the X Factor auditions are being held, I'm assuming you're doing the same thing." I explained.

She just nodded sheepishly.

"Can you even sing?" She asked.

"I think so. I never really sang in front of anyone before. How about you?" I replied.

"Same." She responded.

We spent the next few moments talking about our love for singing and how we wanted to make a career out of it. But it was in those few minutes that Katey noticed something I didn't.

"No way." Katey said, looking past me.

"What?" I asked, looking behind me. And as I looked behind me, I realized what she saw.

"Her too?" Katey said.

"I guess so." I replied.

The both of us stood up and walked over to her. She clearly didn't see us coming, so it was even more funny seeing her reaction when Katey spoke up.

"Fancy seeing you here." Katey said, causing her to jump slightly.

"Geez, you scared me." Alexis said, clutching her chest.

It took her a minute, but her eyes suddenly went wide as she looked at us in panic.

"Yes, we're both auditioning for the X Factor. And no, we didn't know we were going to audition." I explained to her before she even had the chance to say anything.

"But I didn't even know you guys could sing." Lexi said in confusion.

"Yeah, well. We never actually sang in front of anyone before. And we just found out that both of our parents are not big fans of music or anything that has to do with music. Especially the X Factor." Katey explained.

"So your parents don't know you're here either?" Lexi questioned.

"Nope." I replied, popping the 'p'.

"So, if you two are here, does that mean Julie and Brittany are here too?" Lexi asked.

"I have no idea. But the way this day is going, they are most likely here or on their way." Katey replied.

And it was true, an hour or so later we spotted Brittany and not too long after that we spotted Julie. I guess we're all auditioning today. And if I'm going to be completely honest, I'm kind of glad the girls are here. Part of the reason why I was nervous was because I was going to go through this day alone. But now that I have the girls here, I have the support I need.

"I still think it's wild that we all ended up at the X Factor auditions together." Brittany stated.

"I know. I'm surprised too considering we came up with some excuse as to why we couldn't hang out today." Julie replied.

"Yeah, well, X Factor auditions are a pretty big reason why we couldn't hang out at any of our houses today." I said.

And they all just nodded. We spent the next few minutes chatting, until a crew member called a name.

"Katey Horan! You're on deck!" We heard the crew member shout.

"Well, I guess you're up." Lexi stated.

"I guess I am." Katey said, fear clear in her face.

"Katey, you got this. We believe in you. Even though we haven't actually heard you sing before. But no matter what, we'll be sitting right here when you get off stage." Julie assured her.

Katey just nodded nervously and got up and followed the crew member to where ever she needed to go. I really hope she makes it through.


Hey guys!

I decided to dedicate this chapter to the girls finding out that they were all auditioning for the X Factor.

My plan is to make a chapter for each girl that is auditioning.

Anyway, please let me know what you guys think of the story. It would mean a lot if you could tell me what you think.

Don't forget to comment and vote!


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