The Day Before

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*The Day Before*

*Alexis' POV*

I ran into through the front entrance of the school just as the bell rang, indicating the students to get to homeroom. I quickly walked down the various hallways until I finally reached my homeroom.

"it's about time. I thought you were going to be late again." Brittany said as I walked into homeroom and took my seat.

"Oh please, like you four didn't get here just as the bell rang." I said, taking my seat next to Katey.

Yes, all four of us just so happened to be in the same homeroom. We didn't plan to be, it just sort of happened.

"Actually, we got here a couple minutes before the bell rang." Katey stated as I stuck my tongue out at her in response.

"Anyway, are you guys sure you can't hang out tomorrow?" I asked them.

Usually we spend ever Saturday at one of our houses or at the mall. But tomorrow is my big audition for the X Factor and I just want to be absolutely sure they can't hang out tomorrow.

"I don't know about them, but I'm positive. My parents keep telling me that they feel like they don't spend much time with me anymore. They are positive they want to have a family day just to hang out." Bailey explained.

"How about you girls?" I asked.

"Sorry, I've got to catch up on a bunch of homework." Julie replied.

"Same." Brittany stated.

"Sorry, my parents said I have to finish my chores by the time they get home tomorrow or I'm grounded." Katey explained.

"No, it's fine. I was just making sure because I was planning on spending the day with my dad." I lied.

Though they believed it. You see, my dad and I are very close. I mean, mom and I are close, but not as close as me and my dad. You can say I'm a slight daddy's girl, but it's fine. I just hope he isn't too hurt by the fact that I'm auditioning tomorrow.

Bailey opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing.

"Well, I guess that means we have to go to class." Bailey said, pouting.

"I guess that does." Julie said as all five of us stood up to leave.

"See you guys at lunch, yeah?" I said to them and they just nodded.

And for the rest of the day, I was in and out of classes, counting down the minutes until I got to go home and prepare for my audition tomorrow.

*End of the school day*

As the final bell sounded, I mentally cheered as I basically ran to my locker to switch out some books before I leave.

"Hey, do you want to come over tonight? My parents are going on some date night thing and I don't want to be home alone." Julie asked, coming up from behind me, making me slightly jump.

"Sorry Jules, I wish I could, but Friday nights are family nights." I replied.

And it was true. Every Friday night, mom, dad and I spend time together. We usually have dinner together, but then we either play board games, card games, or just have a movie night. It's the one night a week we can catch up without all the craziness of school or work or friends getting in the way.

But though tonight is family night, I still had to prepare for the audition tomorrow. I really, really want to make it to the next round. So I want to make sure I'm absolutely prepared for this audition.

"Oh right, family night." Julie mumbled grumpily.

"Are you okay?" I asked curiously as I threw books in my book bag.

"Yeah. It's just that Bailey, Katey, and Brittany can't hang out either." Julie complained.

"Sorry, I know how much you don't like to be home alone at night. I promise, the next time your parents go out on a date night thing, I'll totally come over and hang out. As long as it's not on a Friday night. You know how much Friday nights mean to my parents." I said as I slung my backpack over my shoulder and closed my locker.

"Fine." Julie mumbled.

"Anyway, I should go. My dad is picking me up today. He's probably already out there waiting." I explained.

"Yeah, I should probably head out too." Julie replied.

We hugged before we took off in our separate ways. I walked out the front entrance of the school and immediately spotted my fathers car. I instantly made my way over.

"Hey, how was your day?" My dad said happily as I got into the car.

"Okay." I replied.

"Okay? Just okay?" Dad asked as he pulled out of the line of cars, making our way home.

"Yeah dad, it was just okay." I replied with a slight smile.

"Well, did you learn anything at least?" He asked.

"Yup." I said, popping, the 'p'. But to be completely honest, I couldn't really pay attention at all today. Probably because I'm auditioning for the X Factor tomorrow and I'm lying to my parents about it.

"So, what time are you going to Julie's tomorrow?" Dad asked after a few minutes of riding in silence.

"Um, I don't know. She wants me there early though." I lied.

"Okay, do you need a ride over there?" Dad asked.

"No, I think I'll be okay. I'll just take the bus." I said, trying not to sound to suspicious.

"Well, alright then. Do you know what time you'll be done? Just so I know when you'll be back." Dad asked.

Why is he asking so many questions?

"I have no idea. We're going to be working on a project for a class. Plus we're going to be working on other homework too. But I think I'm definitely going to be there all day." I told him.

To be quite honest, I have no idea what time I was going to be done with my audition. I didn't want to say one time and then be home hours later and get grounded for being late.

"Okay. Just remember your curfew is 11." Dad said as we pulled up to the house.

"Yes dad." I replied.

As soon as dad put the car in park, I bolted out of the car and upstairs to my room to prepare for tomorrow. I stayed up in my room until mom and dad were ready to have our little family night. And after hours of playing board games and eating pizza, I finally slipped away to get a good nights sleep. I know I'm going to need it since tomorrow is going to be a long day.


Hey guys!

Sorry for this long, boring chapter.

I didn't want to jump right into the auditions.

I wanted at least one chapter before the auditions.

Anyway, shoutout to @1D-LM-BTS-LOVER for creating the cover. Let me know how you guys like it.

Also, don't forget to tell me what you guys think of this story.

Do you guys like this story over the other story that I have published?

Please tell me what you think.

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