~Lilapsophobia {Modern child AU}~

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A/N: Lilapsophobia= the fear of tornadoes and/or hurricanes. 

Requested by hamiltrashcat. Hope you like it, Mandy! Also in this book, they're like 11 or 12.

  Eliza had never seen a storm like this one in her life. 

  She was in the back row of the Schuyler family car, huddled between Angelica and Peggy as her dad muddled the line of cars making a desperate flee for shelter. Peggy was crying and repeatedly asking their parents when they would be able to go home, and Angelica kept a firm arm around Eliza, her face stoic. The sky was ominously grey, and the rain was falling so hard that the world was lost in a thick cloud of mist, but what Eliza couldn't get over was the wind. It hissed and howled right in her ears, like the safety of the car was a mere illusion. Little trees were nearly on their sides from the strength of the gusts, and it looked like they would be uprooted any moment. This was not the world Eliza had woken up to the day before. Eliza had woken up to a day of bright sunshine and clear skies, with a sturdy house and a day just like every day before it. Now, she wasn't even sure if they'd have a house to go back to when this was done. 

  Her father muttered in frustration as the car inched forward in the line endless traffic. Eliza cuddled closer to Angelica and dared to ask the question that had been reeling through her head the whole drive. 

  "Do you think we're gonna make it, Daddy?" 

  Instantly, her father's stress melted away on his face, and he gave his middle daughter a gentle smile. "Of course, my love. We're almost there." 

  Peggy continued to wail, and her mother reached behind her seat to take ahold of her hand. "Oh, don't be scared, girls," she said to the three of them. "This is kind of fun. You guys have never seen a hurricane before. It's like an adventure." 

  Eliza played with her fingers as she thought about this. She had always liked the idea of having an adventure like the ones she saw in books and movies, but this was really scary. She didn't even know if her family would make it through this storm. She had never considered the scary part of adventures before. 

  "It's gonna be okay," her dad assured them. "All that we need is in this car. As long as the five are together, everything is gonna be fine."

  Eliza felt herself relax a little at her father's words. He was right, she supposed. At the end of the day, a house was just a house. It didn't mean anything if the people who lived in it weren't there. Her family was with her, and that was enough. 

  Finally, they arrived to Eliza's school. The drive to school had never taken this long before, and it was the first time they were going on a weekend. The trek from the car to the school was the most terrifying thing Eliza had ever done. The wind was even louder outside the car than it was inside, and rainwater clung to her skin despite the protection of her clothes and overcoat. She kept one hand in Angelica's and the other hand in her mother's, afraid that she would be knocked over like those little trees if she didn't keep herself grounded. 

  When they made their way to the gymnasium, they were met with gloomy silence. People from all over town were there, lying on cots or sitting at tables. She recognized so many of these people from her school or her neighborhood, but today they felt like strangers: scared, confused, and without any hope. 

  Eliza watched her parents blow up their air mattresses and set up their own little territory in an unclaimed spot along the wall, blowing up their air mattresses and spreading out their blankets. Eliza's sisters sat down on their shared air mattress, digging through the backpacks that contained the only possessions they were able to travel with. Angelica took out a book, and Peggy a video game, and Eliza just sat there, her mind to active to escape into fantasy.  

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