Chapter Eight.

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'Take one of each, Don't ask me why just do it.
I will know if you haven't, They're all for you.. if you need them.
The first you will need but not want, the Second you will want but not need.. The third, well that's down to you.
- K'

Piper was confused, she read the text twice more trying to make sense of it all.. looking around the bags she saw numbers on them, 1,2 and finally 3, she arranged them in order and referred back to the text again.

Reaching her hand in bag number one without fully looking, this bag was the heaviest and was significantly colder than room temperature, she felt around and pulled out something hard and cold.
A hand gun.
She dropped it immediately, Piper had never handled a gun before, Alex had one for protection Because of her job in earlier years but piper hadn't ever seen it let alone held it.
' The first you won't want but you need' she thought to herself, knowing she didn't want to touch it or even look at it anymore, would she need to use it?

Pipers eyes scout across to the second bag, this is the bag that she had previously opened, she hasn't ever seen so much money in one place, Alex had a lot of money and so did Pipers family - but not cash!
She reached in and took one of the piles as instructed, the notes were $100 bills and each pile held together by rubber bands was at least, 2 inches thick.
'The second you will want but don't need' piper thought to herself, again referring back to the text.
Kubra knew piper came from a wealthy family, but what he didn't know was she was not in good terms with them right now, although she didn't need to pay rent as it was a flat of her parents.. she needed food etc.

Glaring at the third and final bag, piper took a deep sigh in and thought about the last line of the text 'That's down to you' she was puzzled about what this meant, questioning if kubra didn't know.. would she know what to do with it?

Pipers silent apartment was filled with the sound of the bags zipper slowly opening before letting out a breathy moan, "what the fuck.. I.. wha.."
Her eyes grew wider and wider every second she stared into the bag, she took the small package off the top labeled 'P' assuming it was for her, she stared into the bag once more before closing her eyes tightly and sitting on the floor below..
The bag was filled with Heroin, she closed her eyes tightly again before peeling the edges away from the brown envelope, revealing the contents..

"I don't do drugs, why would I want this?!" She tried to think rationally but there really wasn't any rational side to this.. the package basically contained a 'heroin starter pack' everything someone would need to take the drug, including a baggy of the brown substance.

Piper jumped as the sound of another text coming from the phone kubra gave her interrupted her train of thought.. followed by another text on her personal phone.

'I'm not telling you to do it, it's your own choice, I know you've had a tough time lately.. Alex, prison, the riot and now your father. I will look after you Piper.

Kubra had an this amazing thing where he could find out literally anything about anyone, it still shocked piper to realise he knew about her father.. Kubra was a nasty piece of work if you was on the wrong side of him, but the right side of him was caring and even though she knew it was wrong she understood why Alex found comfort and a father figure in him.. why they got along so well because if any of them needed anything.. he gave it to them; providing you was on the correct side of him at the time.

She thought to herself how ridiculous this was, Piper hadn't ever smoked a cigarette let alone done any kind of drugs!
While being mildly offended at the thought of Kubra thinking she would do drugs as it just wasn't her.. she was pulled out of the thought by a second chiming of her personal phone, she put everything down and walked towards her purse which lay on the side table and grabbed her phone.

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