Prophecy of the Light Bringer

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The age of light will die, swallowed by a darkness so black nothing will ever be the same again. A young Prince of Tenebraein will be corrupted by the dark gods, cursed to forever bring death and destruction to all for many years. All hope will seem to have been lost.

But it is not the end.

A single light bringer will pierce the darkness, a soul so pure and good that the glory of Candora will be restored once more. The light bringer will emerge only once, with hair and eyes as fair as their magic.

But be warned....

For the darkness can yet win, if the light bringer loses hope. Then so shall the vision of a peaceful future be destroyed. Never to be found again. For all of those who will wish to fight back against the darkness, find the light bringer for they will need your assistance in the battles to come. The kin of the dark will have immense power, much like their father, and they will try to lure the light bringer off the path on the way to their destiny. This must not be allowed to happen.

Find the light bringer. Or the darkness shall reign forever.

Find her.

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