I heard the doorbell somewhere in the distance but didn't think much of it until Matty stood in the kitchen with a complete blank expression.

" Rosie. It's for you" he said coldly. All the joy I had seen in his eyes this morning had died out. It looked like it was only an empty body standing in front of me.

I sent him a weird look, putting down my coffee before walking to the front door.

" Alex!" I exclaimed, hugging him tightly. " What are you doing here?" I asked, leaning back, keeping him in an arm's length.

" You forgot this." He smiled, pulling out my psychology book from his bag. " I thought you might need it before our next lecture," he added, handing it to me.

" Thank you," I smiled, taking it from his hands. " That's very nice of you," I added, putting it down on the table just inside the door.

" Great, see you in class," he smiled, turning around to leave. " Alex? " I said, stopping him in his tracks. " We are having a party tonight. Do you maybe wanna come? You can bring Jonah if you want," I asked sincerely. If I was to be a part of this party, I might as well be allowed to invite a friend.

He nodded slowly, running his hand through his hair. " Sounds nice" he smiled.

" See you then,"

" See you,"

" So who's 'pretty boy'?" Matty said mockingly as I entered the kitchen.

What the fuck was that attitude all of a sudden?

" Alex from uni," I stated, sitting back down in front of George by the table.

I lifted my eyebrow, looking at Matty. I saw George doing the same out of the corner of my eye.

" Of course," Matty stated in a bitter tone before shaking his head with a forced chuckle.

"Whatever, " he spat before returning back to his scribbling or whatever he was doing in the hallway.

I sighed before turning my attention back to George in front of me.

" Weird. He was in such a good mood this morning," George mumbled, standing up as he started doing the dishes.

I squeezed my eyes shut to regain my composure. Matty just made me so angry and sad at the same time.

" I actually thought he was getting better," George added, grabbing my plate.

" What?" I asked, having zoned out a little.

" Matty. He has been really well the last couple of days," he repeated as I drank the last mouthful of coffee before handing him the empty mug.

" It drives me nuts," I sighed, resting my head in my hands with a sigh. " I just really wanna help him," I continued, receiving a smile back from George.

" I know. Just don't feel too bad when your tricks don't work on him," he said with a caring yet sad tone. I knew he had tried as well. He wanted nothing more than to see Matty with a clear mind and with a smile on his face. Sadly, that was only a wish.


The small party had turned into a big party, and honestly it didn't surprise me. It seemed to always go that way when the boys decided to do something like this. The only difference was, that tonight George was busy making sure that the boys didn't get too fucked before their meeting in the morning. Matty had been a complete dickhead ever since this morning, and I had no clue what the hell had gotten into him. He had been straight up rude every time I had asked him something, and he had only replied to the other guys in monosyllabic words.

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