Chapter six

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King Edward Kelton pushed open the doors of his palace and looked out. Everyone was heading to the stadium located in the center of the royal city. He had called everyone to meet there so he could tell them the dreadful news.

He sighed, miserably, and started down the palace steps. As much as he dreaded what he was about to do he would just assume get it over with as soon as possible.

He looked around him at the tall, metal buildings lining either side of the street as he made his way to the stadium. The buildings which usually brought him a great sense of pride now only brought him an overwhelming sense of despair. Kyphis was one of the most technologically advanced planets in the galaxy. If they could not stand up to this new menace, then who could?

There was only one ruler he knew who was strong enough to stop that-that thing that had taken his daughter. Queen Echo Shaldy, ruler of the planet Syphoo. She was their only hope now. The fate of the galaxy rested in her hands.

Edward walked to the back of the stadium and stood for a moment in front of the back entrance.

Then he took a deep breath, pushed the door open, and stepped out onto the stage. He was greeted by loud cheering. The crowd all stood to their feet as he walked to the front of the stage.

Edward was both grieved and, to his surprise, strengthened by his people's support of him. He raised his hands and the crowd fell silent.

"Men and women of Kyphis," King Edward began, "I come before you today with terrible news."

There was a great gasp from the crowd as each of them exchanged a nervous look with their neighbor.

"We-we are no longer a free planet!" Edward continued.

This time there was an even louder gasp and several people cried out in shock.

"I have sown allegiance and-and full control of our planet to -" Edward broke off here as he realized he didn't even know who he'd just given control of the planet to. Finally he said: "To our enemies."

The crowd sat in stunned silence for a few moments. Then they were on their feet, yelling protests and curses down at him. But in the tumult one voice was heard above the rest.

"Why?!" Sorted the voice. "Why would you do that?! We could have fought them!"

The crowd fell silent as they all waited for his response. "Because... Because they took my daughter." Answered Edward, quietly.


Commander Thorn Stroken gazed out of the port hole of his command ship and into space.
He was lost, deep on thought when suddenly there was a knock on his cabin door.

Rousing himself, Commander Thorn called: "Come in!"

The door slid open and Lieutenant Thoth stepped in.

"Yes? What is it?: asked Commander Thorn distractedly.

"Well, uh, sir, I was just... uhm..."

"Well, out with it." Instructed Commander Thorn. "What's all this about?"

"I just - I was just thinking. If-If something were to happen to one, or both of us during, the battle on Glot I just wanted you to know that... that it' been a huge honor to have served under you! I've learned so much from you, and no one I now could have lead this army as well as you have!"

Commander Thorn stared at him quite taken aback. In the fifteen years he had served as Commander of the galactic army he had never once had one of his men say something like that to him. He was unsure how he should respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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