Lost in body language

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"Did you eat all my food?" 

"Shoma, I didn't know you were that into decor, your place is nice." Said Yuzuru from the couch.

"My brother did all of it, I'm too lazy. You ate the meat?" 

"No, we're cooking it, stupid." I told him.

"Oh, that's okay then." He looked around, seeming to avoid Asami, and walked over to Yuzuru.

"Who told you you can touch my console?"

"I'm sorry, Mon-chan said it was fine. Are you mad?" Yuzuru appeared genuinely apologetic.

"No, it's fine, I just always wanted to say that." He laughed.

"What are we going to do after?" Shoma asked, as he was sitting down to play the game with Yuzuru.

"We could go to the movies?" Asami spoke up.

"Ummm... I don't think Yuzuru and I can go outside."

"Oh right."

"Why?" Shoma wondered.

Yuzuru slowly explained our situation again and added: "But I think I couldn't go to a crowded place like that, anyways."

"That sucks, man!" Asami sympathized.

"It's like that for you? I get recognized, but not that much." Shoma said.

"Yeah, that's why I try to avoid Tokyo. I come when I have to take uni exams and for filming, that's about it."

"Okay, so we can't leave the apartment." Asami sighed.

"We can play video games. Yuzuru and I don't mind." Shoma suggested but Asami and I immediately turned the offer down. 

"Let's just watch a movie here. I haven't seen one in a while." Yuzuru said.

Thinking about it, that was the most rational option, so we all agreed.

"Asami, help me set up the table." I called her.

"They're so washing the dishes." The two of us plotted.


"Why do we need to wash the dishes?" Shoma was whining after the meal was gone.

On the contrast, Yuzuru was happily rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. "I like washing the dishes."

'He's so cute.' I squealed as I watched him scrunching his nose and shutting his eyes in laughter. He grabbed Shoma's hand and led him to the sink, placed him on the right spot, gave him a cloth and then started to wash dishes himself, laughing at Shoma's confused face. 

"My younger brother does all the house work." 

"Your brother is an angel. But, Shoma, you need to show appreciation in some way, like washing the dishes. Although, you need to be doing it because you want to be doing it, because you're thankful for the food that was prepared. Do you understand?" 

"You're becoming a motivational speaker after skating?" Shoma said unhappily but decided to play along and dry the dishes that Yuzuru was handing him.

"You'll get it one day."

Asami and I were deciding on the movie. 

"Should we watch a western film?" Asami scrolled through.

"We could." I tried to pay attention, but found myself distracted by Yuzuru's adorableness.

"O, there's this one that's about Japan. I've heard it's good."

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