Later, in Toronto

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These memories were resurfacing while I was packing in my dorm room in Tokyo. I glanced at the calendar above my desk, "It's July" I said out loud, even though I knew that and even though there was no one else in the room. My roommate has already gone home for the summer break, while I was stuck here all summer working. I think that banquet was in August two years ago. 

'What a silly evening.' I thought, looking at the Japanese flag right next to the calendar. And then I realized I'll probably see him in Toronto. He trained at the Cricket club where the training camp was being held this year.

I opened my phone and looked at the messages with Yuzuru-kun. Last one was in March when I congratulated him on the silver at the Worlds. We stayed in touch, but after a while our messages were down to birthday wishes and competition congratulations. I called him once, after the Olympics, to apologize for not being there and to congratulate him on the win. He would always wish me a happy birthday in January and would send me a chocolate emoji on Valentine's day, which I found particularly sweet; But that was it. After our first and last kiss we never saw each other again and we rarely spoke. 

As I scrolled through the messages I giggled to myself remembering his flustered face and my awkward mumbling as we parted in the hotel lobby. We never even said goodbye to each other.

It was funny thinking of that, I was a completely different person back then. I don't think I would kiss a complete stranger these days, I'm sure he wouldn't either. Poor thing, he was probably worried I would tell everyone, that's why he got my phone number, to ask me not to tell; but seriously, even if I had tried to brag about being Yuzuru Hanyu's first kiss, I think no one would of believed me, besides, I never wanted to share that with anyone. So, when the question of the first kiss would emerge in conversations I was still bound to the good old "It never happened". In that sense our little adventure was quite useless. 

Still, thinking back, I never regretted letting Yuzuru-kun steal my first kiss, it was the sweetest kiss I had to this day, plus it was a priceless piece of comedy only for the two of us.    

I shook my head, still smiling to myself and proceeded to pack. I had to be at the airport early in the morning to gather all the kids from our club who I, and some senior coaches were taking to a training summer camp in Toronto.

'I never told him I stopped competing, I wonder what he'll think' came through my mind. 


"Ahh Mon-chan you're here." Said Okinawa-sensei when he saw me arriving at the airport. It was 5 am. 

"Good morning." I muttered, bowing. 

"Good morning." He wished back.

"Kids are still not here?" I asked looking around the semi-empty airport.

"They should start arriving in 15 minutes." He responded checking his watch.

I only hummed in return and decided to relax for a minute or two before I'm responsible for four energetic minors. 


"Ok Chizue-chan and Mei-chan follow me!" I ordered the two girls who were supposed to share the room with me. 

I was glad I was only an assistant coach on this trip. I love kids, but they tire you out, especially after a 14 hour flight. 

Thankfully, they too, were tired so after dinner they quickly went to bed. 

While laying there, exhausted I thought about many things. Mainly about, how lucky these kids were to travel and learn, I didn't have those opportunities when I was their age. Then I thought about how lucky I was to work and travel at the same time, and still do what I love, skate. Then my train of thought sort of shifted towards Yuzuru-kun and I contemplated if I should text him I was in Toronto, but decided against that. 

'If I see him, I see him. If I don't well, it wasn't meant to be.' I thought and let sleep take over me.


The next morning while the kids were getting ready I was asked to go to the rink before everyone and scout out the situation. Of course that wasn't the description but that was my job in a nutshell. 

I was more than happy to oblige, manly because this was a great opportunity for me to explore the city just a tad bit. After collecting all my stuff I was going to need for the class and the seminar afterwards I left. 

One thing I noticed right away was how fresh the air was compared to Tokyo or Beijing, I also found the city endearing in a way under the still early morning light. There was greenery everywhere and not many people. 'My kind of city'. Still I couldn't relax because I was trying to brush up on my English grammar before I entered a completely English speaking center. 

My English definitely improved over the years, but it was still very poor, and the thought of speaking it, gave me shivers down the spine. 

To avoid confusion I got my invitation and documentation ready before I entered the club. Still I had to exchange a few words with a very nice women sat at the front desk who directed me to the ice rink. I thanked her and bowed, to which she smiled kindly. I had to remind myself that I shouldn't bow because that's not their thing over here. 

After a few minutes I successfully found the rink and the lady that was leading the program.

"Ah yes you must be from the Tokyo club, right?" She asked, offering her hand to me "I'm Julie, one of the organizers." she said.

Clumsily, I shook her hand, introducing myself: "Yes, I'm Mon, from Meji Jingu skating club." 

"Thank you for coming, the class will start in about two hours, there's a morning practice going on right now." She said all of that in quite a hurry, all while looking at her phone, making me barely understand anything. "You can observe, if you want to." She added looking up at me. 

"Yes, I come to see ice, rink." I tried to explain. 

"Sure, sure. You can watch from the cafe, or you can go to the monitor room above." She explained, after which her phone rang and she had to excuse herself to pick up.

I glanced at the cafe and spotted some Russian coaches who I knew from previous training camps and without further ado I joined them. 

It took me a while to greet everyone, to catch up a bit, all in broken English, before I actually had a chance to look at the ice. 

And when I did my heart made a strange mistake in functioning. I wasn't sure if I was more surprised to see Yuzuru-kun a few meters away from me, behind a glass window, or if I was surprised by the reaction my body had to this. 

My chest literally trembled, and I felt heat in my palms and ears. The first thought that came to my mind was: 'Was he always this handsome?'.

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