Chapter 2

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Camila's PoV

The rest of my shift went by in a blur. The usual flirting and dancing while prying men's hands off of me when they got too touchy.

As I stumbled home that night, I hoped to get a call from Shawn. No such luck.

Getting home, I wondered whether or not I should reheat the leftover lasagna in the fridge. Feeling my feet ache in my heels, I decided against it.

Exhausted, I fell onto my bed. Giving one last glance at my phone I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. Not exactly the most charming start to a day.

Nevertheless, I was determined to make today a good day. And the universe seemed to be cooperating with me.

Just as put my bowl in the sink, my phone started ringing.


'Hi-it's Shawn. Um the guy from the club last night?'

'Yes would you like to put in an order?'

'An order?'

'Yeah like a prostitute home delivery order.'

'Didn't you say you don't do that kind of stuff.'

'Well technically I'm not supposed to be. Strip club rules.'


'Yeah so?'

'Um sure yeah I'll text you my address.'

'Great toddles'

I hung up and instantly wanted to fling myself off a cliff.

Prostitute home delivery?



God am I ever going to get over my terrible social skills?

'That was quite an interesting conversation'

Startled by the voice that seemed to come out of nowhere I jumped.

'God lacy don't sneak up on me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack.'

She giggled and walked into the kitchen and started rummaging in the fridge.

'I'm famished. Did you know I got off work at 2am last night? My toes were bleeding and I was so tired I didn't even bandage them properly.'

Lacy was a ballerina. Well she was when she could find work in this highly competitive city.

'I've been thinking about going back home.' I could hear the dejection in her voice.

'You are not backing down. You are scarily talented and I'm not letting you waste that.'

I was speaking the truth. She was beautiful with her golden hair and bright blue eyes. I have seen her devote numerous sleepless nights to bettering herself.

She came from a small town in the south. It was a town that couldn't hold her.

'Have you seen Elle?' I asked, trying to take her mind off the topic.

'I think she's stayed over at her girlfriend's place.'

Just then my phone buzzed.
It was the address of some fancy hotel.

'I should get going. Make sure to put some ice on those toes.'

I headed into my room and stared into my closet helplessly.

For a moment I considered going naked under a trench coat. It would mean less thought required to put together a full outfit. Fuck it let's go with it.

And so I was racing down the streets of New York hoping the coat doesn't come undone and leave me naked in front of a bunch of people.

Out of breath I slowed down my steps and walked into the hotel.

Golden chandelier, marble floors. Just typical rich people stuff.

I hurried into the elevator and waited for it to reach his floor.

I hope my hair isn't all messed up from the running.

The elevator dinged and I took a deep breath as I walked towards his door.

Two knocks. Footsteps approaching the door.

Time to put your game face on Camila.

His eyes found her and from the first moment on they held her as she stepped into the room .

And then it was all routine.

Her fingers working on her coat and then his hair.

His lips drinking her in.

As he ripped the condom packet and moved himself inside her, she kept her eyes fixed on the ceiling and let her thoughts wander .

She wondered if he had ever done this before. Was she the first girl he had paid to sleep with him ?

Camila couldn't tell.

At times he seemed shy and unsure. But then there were moments when his hands felt steady, his eyes holding a challenge.

They were rocking the bed. His lips tugged on her nipple and made her squeal. His hands held her hips steady.

When he was done, she got up and put her heels back on.

'My wallet is on the glass table.' He was still in bed with the sheets on him.

'Thanks' she said as she took her rate out of his wallet.

Stuffing the money into her bra, she pulled her coat on.

'Wait. I didn't catch your name?' His voice sounded unsure, like he wasn't sure if he wanted to know.

'Silk. You can call me Silk.' She said as she walked out the door and pulled it shut behind her.

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