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drunken by the moon
creature of the night
blend with society
when sun sheds her light

no one knows where you run
they question if friend or foe
unveiled when the skies reject the sun
yet their thoughts are set on tomorrow

when will you reveal yourself
will it be ever?
will you tell them who you are
or will you never?

your soul shrinks away from humanity's touch
while every day people may not know such
you hope you will become your true form soon
and you cry out your questions to mr moon

what do you fear more?
the echo of silence,
or the deafening roar of answers?

wolves, elves, faries and dogs,
tigers, spiders, lions and frogs,
snakes, mice, vixen and rats,
coyotes, snails, ants and cats.

aliens, plants, goddesses and gods,
dragons, unicorns, creatures in pods,
whatever your soul once was
it carries over and shows your cause.

memories of lives forgotten to time,
i try to convey the agony in rhymes.

stable or insane, no matter your brain state,
you may never know what your soul sings
until the clock strikes, too late!
now you're left with painful stings

you may see before you a human being
but it takes little for the inner wolf to turn you fleeing.

remember foe, i am easy to forget
unless you anger me
then fight me knowing i'll never forfit.


based off of this poem of werewolves that i saw off a meme page that i fell in love with lol (see photo above)

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