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As I write this my hands are shaking, not knowing if what i am about to say will get me put in jail. It was so long ago but yet so memorable that I can't forget. My life turned in to even more of a shit storm the day I met him.. He seemed so perfect to good to be true. I guess it was me being dumb and naive to think prince charm had just fell into my lap after what had happened to me. I guess I attracted no good for nothing men. Failed relationship after relationship and I just thought that for once in my life I found happiness. I know now I was a 100% wrong. From now on I know better not to trust people so easily and have more sense , love can make you blind and I refuse to be blinded ever again.

I don't regret any of the things I did , because I thought we were in love. How ever I do regret going back after he showed me who he really was. Sometimes the damn truth can be right under your nose , and you can be so fucking stupid and ignore it. As crazy as it may sound I really thought I could change his ass but now I know you can't change monster into a saint. Part of me wishes things would have been different by the other half of me found absolute joy in killing his ass. Lets not forget to mention I fell head over heels for his brother and dragged him into this devil game. Which caused me to have even more a reason to kill his ass.

After all the shit I went through as a kid and as his wife all hit at once. It felt good to kill him does that make me a little insane? Maybe but you can't go through what I have been through and come out a 100% straight in the head. I was damaged goods before that night anyway. I had just gone through the worst night of my life when I met him. It was around 11 pm I was getting off work tried than a motherfucker, when I felt someone following me . You would think I would have started running at this point but no I didn't. You see mama didn't raise no punk bitch , I'm from the streets and I know how to handle myself at least that's what I thought. So sit back and listen to what I am about to tell you, how I got involved with the devil himself and how I fell for his brother. It's about to be a long ride so make sure to listen carefully.  God knows if I knew the level of bullshit he would put me through I would have cheated with Alex the first chance I got. Who knew I would get mixed up with the mob cause  I sure as hell didn't. 

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