Rant 5

21 1 0

I've been seeing a lot of people making announcements saying they need help with depression, so they're taking a break from Wattpad. To all of those struggling with depression, please, seek out help. If you can't, at least tell a close friend about it to try & lessen your burden. I am currently dealing with mild depression, but I'm trying to schedule a meeting with my school counselor before the school year ends. Don't try to deal with it on your own. Believe me, doing that usually doesn't help. It can make things worse actually. Dealing with it by yourself means isolating yourself from others, which leaves you to your thoughts, meaning you don't have anything to distract you from any voices in your head. If you do try to deal with it by yourself, I would recommend trying to be surrounded by people. If that isn't an option, consider finding a new hobby, such as reading or painting.

Just a reminder, I am not a professional. This is not official advice you would usually get. This is what I think is helpful. Some of these may not work for you, so I recommend going to a professional if you want actual helpful advice.

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