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I can't believe myself. Here I am, in the middle of the night, walking alongside Jeremy Taylor—who, up until Saturday, I had never really paid any attention to.

Yet, here we are. The rest of our street is fast asleep but we're walking towards the park as if it's still broad daylight.

I didn't really want to come with him, but after I realised that calling him a 'crazy fool' wouldn't get him to leave my garden, I decided to join him.

"So, why are we walking to the park when it's already past midnight again?" I ask him, as I rub away the goose-bumps on my arms.

Jeremy frowns at my hands and says, "We couldn't sleep. If you were cold you should have grabbed a jacket first."

"Well unfortunately the cold night air can't attack me through my bedroom walls so I didn't know it would be this cold outside," I say irritably.

"Here," Jeremy pulls off his hoodie and hands it to me.

"Nah, I'm good," I say, attempting to push it away from me.

"Okay fine, you can just freeze and be miserable."

That stupid smirk of his is back on his face. Jeremy doesn't put his hoodie back on but swings it carelessly back and forth as we walk.

"Okay fine, since you're not going to wear it."

Jeremy continues to smirk as I accept it and pull it over my head. When it's completely over my head something is tickling my face and I can't see anymore.

"Urgh, my hair is so static!" I wail as Jeremy laughs at me and I struggle to shove the strands off of my face. Unfortunately, the wind just keeps blowing them back every time I free myself from them.

I feel Jeremy's hands brush my face as he pushes my hair away, still laughing obviously. His hands are really warm and I wonder how he isn't feeling cold. My hair probably looks worse than hell right now from all the static and wind but oh well.

We reach the park but instead of entering it, Jeremy walks right past the gate.

"Uh, where are we going?"

"You're only asking me that now?"

"Well, I didn't even want to come in the first place," I scoff. "But you threatened to chuck rocks at my window the whole night so I didn't really have a choice."

Jeremy laughs again and says, "Not rocks princess, stones. Big difference..."

I'm not really sure what I'm more shocked by right now—the fact that I just realised how much I love Jeremy's laugh, or that he just called me princess. Not that either of them mean anything.

"So where are we going?" I ask again.

"You'll see, be patient," Jeremy playfully punches my shoulder.

"That's impossible for me," I say, pulling his hoodie tighter around me. It's really warm—and smells nice, if I may sound a bit creepy—but it's way too big for me.

"I noticed."

I narrow my eyes at Jeremy. What a complete butthead.


After about five minutes of walking, we reach an old picnic site. No-one really uses it anymore because everyone's too busy to have picnics. The only time I've ever seen people here is on public holidays.

Jeremy pulls me by my wrist towards one of the tables in the middle, which has no trees around it.

He lets go of my arm and sits down on the table, tapping the space next to him.

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