"So..." Stefan trailed off, turning to look at Mallory, who was smiling, "Are you telling me that Chris isn't sired anymore?"

"That's exactly what he's telling you." Mallory informed Stefan, a smirk on his face.

Later on, Mallory was about to leave Tyler's house with Stefan when Stefan suddenly stopped her, "There's something I need you to do and I can't have you backing out." He told her, causing Mallory to raise a brow at him.

"What is it?" She asked Stefan, a puzzled look on her face, "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad, right?"


At the Mystic Grill, Klaus was sitting alone at the bar,  drinking a glass of red wine. Mallory entered the Grill, spotting the male hybrid immediately after walking in. She took a deep breath, just before she began to walk in his direction.

Mallory stopped when she standing beside Klaus at the bar. She took off her leather jacket, clutching it in her hand as she spoke up, "I must admit, this place doesn't look that bad considering one of your hybrids got blown up in it just the other day," Mallory remarked, causing Klaus to immediately turn his head to look directly at her, "But I'm glad nonetheless. I've always had a soft spot for this place.

"Mallory," Klaus greeted the female vampire, smiling slightly as he placed down his glad of wine, "To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?"

Mallory moved closer to Klaus, placing her jacket down on the bar counter before turning to look at Klaus with a pleading look. "I want you to give Elena back," She informed him without hesitation, despite knowing already he would say no.

"Ah, they sent you to sweet talk me," Klaus realized, sighing in annoyance as he looked almost disappointed, "Well, good form, but I'm afraid I can't do it."

"No one sent me to do anything," Mallory lied without hesitation and Klaus found himself actually believing her, "I came here on my own."

"Why do you want her back so badly?" Klaus questioned Mallory, a deeply skeptical look on his face, "I could've sworn she was toying with both of your brothers. If I were you, I wouldn't want her back to be the rope in your brothers' game of tug of war."

Mallory rolled her eyes, deciding not to respond to his comment, both of them clearly knowing it was true while Mallory refused to admit it, despite claiming it to be the truth years before. "Why do you want her back?" She retorted, causing Klaus to smile slightly as he looked up at him.

"She needs my help," Klaus informed Mallory in a calm tone, earning a loud scoff from the female vampire, "Look, I'm not gonna burden you with the gory details, I know you have enough on your plate already."

Mallory turned to Klaus, beginning to glare at Klaus when she realized he meant Tyler. "I don't believe that's any of your business, Klaus. Never has been. Never will be," She snapped at him sternly, but Klaus didn't seem bothered by his hostile tone.

"Yes, well, I want you to know that if Tyler was still sired to me he never would have hurt you. I wouldn't have let him," Klaus assured Mallory, pausing as a sincere look appeared on his face, "And if he did, I would have made him suffer in ways he couldn't imagine.".

Mallory froze as she began to stare at Klaus closely, taken aback by his confession. She soon let out a sigh, turning her head to avoid eye contact with him.

"Can I at least offer you a drink?" Klaus suddenly asked and as much as Mallory knew she shouldn't have, she knew she'd have to agreeing in order to distract him long enough for Stefan to save Elena.

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