6. Demon's Code

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My body stopped shocking as the tendrils slowly left my body. Sharp pains told me I was bleeding in a lot of places. My jaw tightened and my tongue felt sore from the electric pulses and its involuntary movements. The iron taste left my mouth as I spat it on the stones. “Your pathetic!” I roared with all the anger I could muster. The demon jumped down from the second floor and landed a couple of meters away from me. He started walking circles around me with a big smile, kicking little rocks in my direction. “Interesting, but you remain an insignificant soul. Have you not realized it yet?” He said as he cocked his head playfully to the side. I spat blood in his direction. I didn’t care what he had to say, I just needed to wake up. “Sssoo Ssstupid, you young ones ha ha ha! Have you still not realized it?” The monster chuckled.

We both said nothing and a long uncomfortable silence past. “I. Am. Not. Your. Usual. Demon.” he spelled out as he resumed walking in circles around me and continued to kick little stones in my direction. I looked confused in his direction contemplating if his voice was indeed different compared to all my other nightmares. I had never actually seen the full form of my demon so I wasn’t certain.

“Why does it matter, you’re all the same!” I spat back at him, showing as much disgust as I could. The demon stopped in his tracks and looked at me with a smirk. “Oh, on the contrary young one, it has everything to do with It.” he chuckled as he casually set himself down on a piece of ruin. Confused I stared at him. Firstly, because I had no idea what he was talking about. Secondly, because it looked like he was going to explain something instead of cause me excruciating pain. I sighed under my breath and hoped that before he finished talking, I would wake up.

“You see young one, the demon that was in charge of you was Grolhiez. He’s one of the better Dream Realm Creators, a seven on our scale. He even did a fine job in the scare department. Such a pity I had to absorb one of our fine DRC’s to get to you.” He beamed proudly.

“And why did you, need to get to me?!” I yelled, wishing afterwards that I had just kept my mouth shut. “Why, you ask? I must say its sssoo annoying that I have to spell everything out for you. Why? Because I am the Dream Realm Creator of your precious Alexissssss!” The creature hissed and my heart fell in my chest as her name hissingly rang through my ears. “However, already being a grade nine on our scale, I have come across some very interesting new skills. As we demons run our simulation we absorb our preys fear. It feeds us, like you are feeding me now Seth. However, Alexis and yourself give me something extra.” He said with the greatest joy. It disgusted me and made me feel like a honey pot that had gotten discovered by a very big angry and lethal grizzly bear. 

“You see Seth, I am Tsechiliz commander of the Dream Realm Creators.  Under my command Grolhiez was obliged to tell me about this new additive that came with your fear. I already knew at that time about your little friend. I must say that I love feeding of her, she tastes so sweet. However, I must say she tastes even sweeter in real life”. He said with a wink as he licked his lips. “You bastard!” I spat my blood filled spit in his direction. “Now, now, that wasn’t very nice Seth. I’m not finished yet, so be a chap and listen up.” He said as he got up from the rubble, slowly walking towards me. Still flat on my stomach, I tried to move quickly. But by then his monster like foot collided my ribs and it had me rolling over the rocky courtyard again. He went to sit on a patch of grass a couple of meters away from me and resumed his self-loving speech.

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