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For Radical-Shadow

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For Radical-Shadow


Full Name: Cordelia Night Shade

Alias: Human-Shield, Neptune

Role: Flexible Five


Age: Seventeen years of age

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual


Description/Faceclaim: Cordelia possesses fair to lightly tanned skin. She has unique marbled-blue hair, ranging from a light sky blue shifting into a darker ocean hue. Cordelia has reddish-pink eyes, matching those from roses or dark coral, and no other notable features on her face (such as dimples, beauty marks, etc). She has a apple-shaped body (more emphasis in the chest) and a upper-toned body (more muscular). Five-foot five-inches in height and with a relaxed posture, she is capable of blending in with a crowd (if not for her hair and eye color). Most likely has C-cup sized (ahems).

Clothing: Outside of work, she is a fan of dresses due to how loose or tight they can vary. Long or short, frilled or flowing- she can wear an array of outfits. Typically, you can find her with dresses reaching down to her knees with a low-cut (to show off her... assets). For dresses, they can vary in color. She can wear both stylish black dresses or colorful beach dresses which pop (And on some occasions, wears those big, floppy white beach hats).
When she's not wearing dresses (which is not often), she wears your typical tank-top with pants. With these clothes, her colors of choice are more prone to be monochromatic or less colorful (browns, greys, blacks, whites).

Suit/Costume: Her costume was designed to not restrict movement and to show as much skin as possible. It isn't necessarily tight, more 'hugging' her frame. There aren't any special functions other than to help ventilate when it comes to working out excessively (to keep her cool), allows the user to swim (kind of like a bathing suit), and offers flexibility. Her mask has the same kind of physics as The Incredible's masks (they don't have any string which wraps around the head and secures? It just kind of sticks harmlessly). It compliments her hair by being in mostly dark shades of ocean blue.
The only downsides to this costume is that it suffers in cold areas. She is more vulnerable to freezing with these clothes. 

Other: The golden bracelets on her costume are there for accessory purposes only. 

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