Chapter 21- Daniel

Start from the beginning

And when I looked at her to hand it over, I was right. Her gaze was calculating and intense. Her jaw was set in a firm line, and I knew it would be better to hand it over, so I did.

Mom took the photo and skimmed over it. A pang of sadness filled her eyes, and she touched the figure, her father. She stayed quiet as she studied both the front and back, and I could tell that she was making sure it wasn't fake.

Finally, after a few glances of it, she looked at Roger. "Explain," she replied. Her voice was void of any emotion, but that didn't stop it from cutting like a knife. "Please."

Roger cleared his throat and moved a hand through his hair. Finally, he sighed, reached down, and picked up the pocket watch that was left discard on the floor before looking at her. He didn't say a word but stroked the watch's cover, a look of sadness flickering through his eyes.

"Well?" she asked, handing the photo to Dad. "What is that?"

"A picture of a meeting," he replied. He glanced at me unimpressed when I scoffed before turning his gaze to her. "With you from a different timeline."

"Explain." Her tone meant for him not to leave anything out. She wanted to know what had happened and why.

Roger sighed and moved a hand across his face. He looked worn, ragged as if he didn't want to do this but knew that he must. "Let me get this said first," he began. He held his hand, silencing her. "I had orders just like everyone else in that picture. I had a role to play, a role that your family members had to play as well."

He paused and moved a hand through his hair, sighing. "The Berkney Project is named a man named Samuel Berkney. He was the first living prototype for what the group wanted."

"Prototype?" I asked, confused. "For what?"

"A weapon," Mom replied. She shifted through the paperwork, skimming, and processing the information faster than I thought possible. "To kill Werewolves or other species."

"Correct," Roger said, nodding his head. He shifted in his seat and sighed. "There are many types of hybrids that can be formed and be created into monsters. However, there are ones that are more powerful out of all that had been born and survived."

"Werewolf hybrids," Mom said. She took the picture back when Dad handed it back to her and looked at it. "Werewolf Hunter hybrids."

Roger nodded his head. "They are the ones that they found out could survive the training and are useful for the group more than the others. They are quick, able to heal very quickly, and are very dangerous."

"I'm... not a Werewolf, though," Mom said, furrowing her brows. She looked at Roger, frowning. "Nor a full Hunter. I wasn't born in a Hunter family."

"You were," Roger replied. He cleared his throat and moved a hand through his hair. "You were born into a Hunter family. Both your mother and father had ties with them, your father more so than your mother."

Mom frowned and studied him. Slowly, she nodded her head, and I was curious as to what had been going on in her mind. "The Werewolf part?"

"From your mother's side," Roger replied. He held out his hand, and Mom placed the papers in them. "Somehow, the Werewolf gene can become recessive and pass through the generations until it is called to become dominant." He handed her a piece of paper. "It turns out that your great-great-grandmother was a full Werewolf. She was Alpha born, actually."

"Then why did it become dormant?" I asked. "Alpha borns should have their wolves, even if they are not full Werewolves."

Roger shrugged his shoulder. "I have not found that out," he replied. "That is one reason why I am going away for a week. I had a contact way back when who knows about this stuff but had lost her. We found her in England."

I Saved Him, I Saved Her (Book 2 of Saving Series)Where stories live. Discover now