Chapter 30- Katie

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Nik studied her before he nodded. Confusion filled his eyes, and he looked just as confused as I felt. "How is this going to delete the information that was gathered?" he asked, and she shook her head as if she wasn't going to tell him.

"It's time for you to get going," she said, and her brother frowned and opened his mouth. She sighed and shook her head again, and he closed his mouth and pressed his lips into a thin line. "You'll see how it works when you put it into the computer," she said, and he frowned but nodded. She cleared her throat and shifted until she could get comfortable. "How many people have been caught here?" she asked, changing the subject.

"About fifty," he said, sounding defeated because he knew that she wouldn't tell him. He sighed and moved a hand through his hair before he shook his head. "They are like you two or could have a child like you two."

She nodded. "Are there others from Roger's group here, or is it just you?" she asked. She cleared her throat and licked her lips. She looked nervous, and I had a feeling that she didn't know if he would answer her or not.

Nik nodded. "There are ten others," he said. He rubbed his face and sighed before he cleared his throat. "They don't have family members that are like us, but they do respect Roger and do follow his orders." He gave her a pointed look, and she smirked and shrugged.

"I do follow his orders," she hummed and dipped her chin closer to her chest. "However, there are times where I think that he is going too slow in action and not preparing for whatever, and unfortunately, this is one of those times."

Nik nodded in agreement, but I could tell that he was annoyed with his sister. "How long will it take for the "rescue" group to get here?" he asked, emphasizing on the word "rescue," which had me furrowing my brows and cocking my head in confusion.

""Rescue?"" I asked. "But... I thought that they were going to rescue us... no questions asked?"

"Oh, they are," Aunt Jess said, "but I don't want to have a super hard battle just yet, and I want the pack to be well rested and be ready for the actual hard battle that I know will come in time, so we're going to rescue ourselves."

"We are?" I asked, sounding dumbstruck. I stared at this pregnant woman, who was so fragile at times, and saw the wolf that wanted to come out and protect her pack and those with it. I blinked and blinked again while I stared at her, not knowing what her motive was and how she was planning on rescuing all of these people with little to no help.

"Well... not you just yet," Aunt Jess said, and there was a small sting of pain in my chest. She gave me a small comforting smile and dipped her head. "However, one day, you will be able to protect yourself and your pack, but right now, you'll have to rely on other people and me to get you out of here."

"But you are pregnant," I said, and she nodded in confirmation. I mentally cursed myself because I knew that she knew that she was pregnant. "What can you do to help us?"

Aunt Jess lifted half of her body with her forearms, her muscles showing under her skin, and for a moment, I was in awe. She had her chin pressed to her chest and was able to get something out of her hair that she had hidden.

With both Nik and I watching her with our mouths agape, she dropped to the ground with her hands free and one of them clutching something that I couldn't see.

She looked at us with a wolfish grin and a spark of mischief that filled her eyes. She looked young, younger than she was, and I had no idea how she was able to look that way. "Well," she said and stuffed the thing back into her hair without letting me out. "I can do a lot of things to help." She placed the cuffs back on and winked. "I just need to have the right tools and people to do it."


The plan was set in motion, and I hated that I had to sit back and watch while Aunt Jess was able to be front and center with all the planning to rescue us.

Jealousy filled my body, and I couldn't help but feel as if I was not important or of use in this situation. My heart ached, and all I wanted to do was help, but I had no idea what to do or how I could help.

"Katie?" Aunt Jess asked, and I could hear the concern in her voice, but I didn't look at her but at the ground at my feet. "Katie," she said in that mother tone, but still, I didn't look at her. "Come on, Sweetheart. Look at me. What's wrong?"

I shook my head and didn't say a word. I didn't want her to think that I was ungrateful, and I knew that I couldn't say much because Nik had taken down the device that let us talk in secret and out of my "father's" hearing after they came up with a basic plan and got most of the other inmates ready to escape.

Her gaze was on me, and I knew that if I looked, then I would get lost in those gray eyes of hers and tell her what was on my mind. "Hmmm," she said in a way that had me looking at her.

Understanding filled her eyes, and I couldn't help but think that she knew what I was thinking.

"Never think you are weak, Katie," she said, and I could hear a slight double meaning in her tone. "You still have a lot to learn and a lot to accomplish. Sometimes things happen quicker than one can process, but that doesn't make them useless."

I looked towards the door, wondering if my father would appear, but he didn't. I had no idea if he was watching what she said or did, and I prayed that he wasn't. I didn't want her to get hurt because she wanted to rescue the people here.

"Relax," Aunt Jess said and looked at the door. She looked towards me and smirked, and I had a feeling that one part of their plan was in motion, and I couldn't help but wonder what it was. "Everything's fine for right now."

I hesitated but nodded, even though I didn't believe her. I had a feeling that there could still be things that were amiss, and Aunt Jess and the others didn't plan for it, but I didn't know what. I took a deep breath and licked my lips while I waited for something, anything, to happen that would define my fate.

The lights flickered and dimmed before it went dark, and then the lights glowed red. There was no sound that happened when this happened, and I had no idea what was happening, but I could tell that Aunt Jess did because she took the cuffs off her hands and was by my side in an instant.

"Ready to go?" she asked and raised an eyebrow. A small smirk appeared on her face, and her eyes gleamed with mischief while she worked on getting the cuffs off of me. "Because it is time for a prison escape, and I hope you can't wait."

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