Chapter 29- Katie's POV

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I looked between the pair and furrowed my brows, confused. My brain started to hurt, and all I wanted to do was fall asleep and process everything, even though I knew it wouldn't be possible just yet. Heck, I didn't think I would be able to fall asleep in this place, especially since I was closer to my father than I liked.

Aunt Jess looked at me and then at her brother. Concern flashed through her eyes, and I had a feeling that she knew I was getting tired and overwhelmed. "We need to get her out of here," she said, her voice holding no room for argument. "This is all too much for her, and I know that she is going to need time to process this." She paused and cleared her throat. "I'd rather have her process this at the pack house instead of here where she is safe."

Nik looked at me and then at her with furrowed brows and a frown on his face. He looked confused, but she kept the serious look on her face. "You're the one that's pregnant," he said, and I could hear the start of an argument in his voice, and I had a feeling that Aunt Jess did too because she scowled.

"So?" she asked and raised an eyebrow, and he looked at her with his mouth agape. She looked up at the shackles and tested their strength, and I couldn't help but wonder if she wanted to try and escape that way by breaking them and breaking me loose from mine.

Could she even do that? I silently wondered, and a part of me had a feeling that she could in time. If not, then how is she planning on escaping?

"You're kidding me. Right?" Nik asked, the shock evident in his voice, and she raised an eyebrow in question. "Please tell me that you are kidding."

"I am not," she replied. She raised her hand and silenced him with only a flick of her wrist, and I could tell that he didn't like it. "I've made quite a few friends over the years and have... many favors that I am owed and have not cashed out on."

Realization dawned in his eyes when she looked at him, and I had a feeling that he knew what she did and why she did what she did, even though I had no idea what she did or why she did it. "So your child is safe?" he asked, and she nodded in confirmation. "How? Why?"

"Not tellin'," she replied, and her brother scowled in dissatisfaction. She gave him a smug look before she grew serious. "That isn't something that you need to concern yourself with right now, Nik," she said. She sighed and looked at me before she looked at her brother again. "What you need to concern yourself with is the fact that we're known, even though we aren't supposed to be."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, and she looked at me again. I looked between the two of them, confused. I was surprised that I wasn't panicking as I should be, and I wondered if it was because I was with Aunt Jess and knew that she would protect me.

Aunt Jess sighed and looked at me. Her gray eyes had this hard look in them, and for a moment, I saw a leader, a warrior, instead of the female that I knew with bright eyes that held comfort in them. She studied me and cocked her head, her eyes not losing that hard look in them. "What all do you know?" she asked, and I shrugged and grimaced. "About yourself?"

I shrugged and grimaced. "I don't know," I said honestly. "All I know is that my mom was something that my dad didn't like, and my dad loved hurting people that were like my mom."

She nodded. "Do you remember when I told you that I was a Werewolf/Hunter hybrid, and you were one, too?" She raised an eyebrow in question, and I nodded in confirmation. "Well, there are more than us," she said. She shrugged and cleared her throat. "I do not know how many there are, but there are enough to form an army."

"I work with a group of Hunters that have worked with our grandfather," Nik said, and I looked at him. "We are called to protect those that are hybrids or are able to pass the genes to their children."

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