Day 6: I Think You Like Him~

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I grumbled and dragged my feet to the locker area. I saw a girl taking out books from my locker. No doubt, only Adriel and Gerlynn know my locker passcode and Adriel is not a girl if not I'll be insane.

"Gerlynn," I groaned, "what are you doing with my locker?"

"Don't worry, the girl busy dating Adrill. I'm helping you to take out your books for the next lessons."

"Thank you and it's Adriel not Adrill please. Can you just say his name properly." I mumbled under my breath.

"Well.. He's your boyfriend not mine so why do I care? Anyway, how are you? Haven't seen you after school recently.. Busy dating with Adrill, huh? You have to tell me more about the game!" She smirked and giggled.

"He treat it real I think.. It doesn't look like just a game to him.. Anyway I'm really exhausted, help to carry the books to the class, okay? Love ya, sis!" I said and continue dragging my feet to the classroom. I heard her groaning and swearing but I am really too tired to care. Now is art lesson again and Adriel is in the class sitting opposite me. Ms Clarrice Teng is not here yet so I took the time to rest my head on the table.

"Hey babe. Why are you so moody today?" Adriel asked in concern.

"No, I'm fine. Just tired." I mumbled.

"Oh surely I can help you with that." He said and plant a little kiss on my forehead and I blushed.

"Ooo." Comes the familiar sound from behind.

"Gerlynn Chen." I hissed.

"Okay, okay. Fine, I'll shut up." She murmured and started drawing some funny cartoon on her sketchbook while I chuckled.

"Looks like my medicine work, you can start laughing and giggling?" Adriel raised one eyebrow.

"Yup, what cure is that?" I raised my eyebrows too.

"It's called the Adriel's cure for Corelle." He said, laughing. I took the nearest book to me and smacked his shoulders.

"Ow, what's that for?" He scowled.

"For talking nonsense." I said and turned to Gerlynn and realised she's wearing the extra jacket in my locker that I put in case I felt cold and didn't bring one to school.

"Hey! So you help me took out my books from my locker just to get that at the same time?" I frowned.

"What?" She's blur.

"That jacket." I spoke and she giggled. Oh well, that's fine. I doubt I'll need it for now because I have Adriel's. I started giggling and the both of them stared at me and I stopped immediately.

"Thinking about me?" Adriel smirked.

"Oo. Someone can't stop thinking about her b-o-y-f-r-i-e-n-d~!" Gerlynn sang.

"You," I pointed to Adriel, "Stop dreaming! I am never going to think of you!"

"As for you," I pointed to Gerlynn, "Says the one who is thinking about Darnell every second."

The both of them stared at me speechless and I can't help but laugh. Heyyyyy, don't judge me okay. I'm serious.


"Babe, wanna hang out at Macs today?" Adriel asked as I stuffed my books into the locker.

"Nah, I wanna a double date!" I screamed.

"What? I'm not going to go with you!" Gerlynn scowled and I started giggling.

"Lend me your phone." I stretched out my hands towards Adriel.

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