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lemonboy🍋 added milkeyway to the conversation

lemonboy🍋 added froman to the conversation

lemonboy🍋 added remingtonbeef to the conversation

lemonboy🍋 added bmersonearrett to the chat

lemonboy🍋 added dallywally to the chat

lemonboy🍋 added palyayseb to the chat

lemonboy🍋 added forehead to the chat

gerards gf: you done?

lemonboy🍋: yeah

milkeyway: who the fuck,,,,

lemonboy🍋: people introduce yourselves

forehead: i'm satan aka breadbin urine aka brendon urie and i'm trying to do homework so shut up

bmersonearrett: oh,,,, okay then. i'm emerson barrett and brendon's a dick

gerards gf: i'm (name) (last name) and lemon is uwu

milkeyway: i'm mikey way and (name) needs to stop hitting on my brother

remingtonbeef: yo i'm remington leith and mikey shut up she just said he's uwu and i agree

milkeyway: fuck ooooff

frank tf: someone's on his period

gerards gf: as the only female in this chat i can confirm that he probably is

milkeyway has left the conversation

palyayseb: salty.

palyayseb: also hey i'm sebastian danzig and i'm the brother of rem and em so yeah

froman: i'm ray toro and apparently i have a banging fro

forehead: dallon where the fuck are you

dallywally: i'm doing homework ?

gerards gf changed their name to fuckingidiot

fuckingidiot: guess who's back, back again, fuckingidiot is back

lemon boy🍋: (name) no :(

fuckingidiot: (name) yes :)

fuckingidiot: also, gerard, can you buy me more orange juice

frank tf: we're all in the same house, how about we

frank tf: all go¿

fuckingidiot: sure okay

milkeyway has joined the conversation

milkeyway: can i come-

lemon boy🍋: yeah i'll dm you (name)s address get the bus here or smth

lemon boy🍋 left the conversation

fuckingidiot left the conversation

frank tf left the conversation

milkeyway left the conversation

dallywally: why the fuck-

; lemon boy 🍋 ; gerard way x reader {texts}Where stories live. Discover now