Amari narrowed her eyes before realization struck her. "T-They fought? Why? What happened?"

"Mhm. Your boyfriend left for the vending machines a little bit after you fell asleep again. When he came back, he saw William hugging you. Viktor told him to back off but he wouldn't listen. He kissed you and...Things got ugly from then on. Even Jermaine couldn't break it up. We needed security," Andrea shook her head as she recalled the events from earlier. It was a complete mess. The only thing Andrea could do was shield her sleeping daughter as Viktor ripped William from her sleeping body. That man wiped the floor with poor William. She didn't understand why William even tried. Sure, he got a few good hits in, but it ultimately ended in Viktor's favor. Andrea now knew that the behemoth of a man actually cared for her daughter. Patrick's bitch ass probably would have let William kiss all over Amari.

"He kissed- ugh...My God," Amari's face twisted in disgust. She gagged at the thought of William, of all people, putting his lips anywhere near her body. If she had any food in her body, it would have been in a partially digested, pungent mess on the floor by now.

"Are you going to throw up? Please don't. Ida and I cleaned the hell outta you. I don't want you to ruin our hard work," Andrea joked. She immediately regretted it when Amari's disgusted features intensified.

"Y-You washed me...Just throw me away. I don't want me anymore," Amari rambled as she threw the blankets off of her and attempted to swing her legs out of the bed. She was quickly stopped by Andrea who pressed a hand on her chest.

"Where are you going?"

"To go see Aisha. Move."

"You act like you can walk on your own. I can try to get you a wheelchair, but I don't think the doctors want you moving."

"Fuck that," Amari swore before swatting her mother's hand away. "I'll crawl to my baby then. I've had enough of your... help."

Andrea held Amari in place. "You can't do that either. You got one functioning arm."

"My ass still works, right? I can scoot," She made another attempt at getting out of the bed, but was easily stopped by the policewoman.

"You're not getting out of this damn bed, Amari! Stop being so stubborn and listen to me! I'm trying to help you!"

"When I listen to you, I get hurt. Forgive me for being so fucking hesitant to do whatever you say! It's not like I got the shit beaten outta me for being obedient!"

"Let's not do this right now. Lay the fuck down, Amari! Right now!"

"Fuck you! You ain't even the one who raised me! It's a God damn mystery why I still call you mom. You ain't shit to me! Get out, Andrea!"

Andrea ignored the heart-wrenching words as she struggled with her daughter. With only one functional arm and high dosages of pain medicine, Amari hardly stood a chance against the veteran. A roar of frustration left her when her back made contact with the bed.

"I am your mother, dammit! I wasn't a good one, but I still carried your ungrateful ass for 9 months! It'll be a cold day in hell before I let you disrespect me again!" Andrea growled at her daughter. She had a fist full of the neck of Amari's gown as she shook her sternly.

"You're right. I forgot to thank you for that. Thanks for birthing me into a family that hates me. Thanks for beating the shit out of me because it made Ike happy. Thanks for dumping me on Mamu so you could have fun with your real kids," Amari spat, clawing at Andrea's arm. "I know you're only fluent in stupid as fuck, but I'll try again. YOU'RE NOT MY FUCKING MOM! My mom's name was Evelyn Daniels! You left so easily then! Why the hell won't you leave now!?"

They glared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Amari's eyes held true hatred, and it hurt Andrea to know she was the cause of it. For years, Andrea took advantage of the look of joy in her youngest daughter's eyes. Even after all the abuse, Amari always kept her head high, but now it lowered with each pent up emotion she released.

"I-I just... I just want us to be a family again."

"We were never a family to begin with, get out. Just...Please."

Andrea heard her voice crack with her final plea. Her heart broke at the stray tear that ran down Amari's face. She noticed Amari used her uninjured arm to wipe away the traitorous, salty stream. The strong urge to hold her baby had become unbearable. Before she knew it, Andrea was slipping into the bed, right next to Amari.

"G-Get out! I don't want-" Amari's voice cracked heavily as her tears continued to fall against her will. Andrea said nothing as she held Amari's head to her chest. She gently rocked the young woman who sobbed quietly. Occasional soft shushes left her lips in an attempt to calm Amari.

I'll do anything for you, Amari. I failed at being your mother for the first 25 years of your life. Let me try again. Let me treat you like the queen you are. You deserve so much and I've given you nothing. Please A-Amari," Andrea felt the hot steams run down her face and her voice crack horribly as she spilled her heart out to her neglected daughter. "F-Forgive me. I'll do better. I swear."

Amari leaned into her mother's chest. Her eyes swollen from the tears, she looked up at Andrea searching for any signs of a lie. She studied every detail. From her glossy eyes to the tremble of her lips. As genuine as her apology sounded, Amari couldn't break her grasp of the past.

"I-I...can't," Amari sobbed uncontrollably. "I just can't. It hurts too much, mom. I suffered for 25 years of my life. It's too hard to let go...I'm sorry."

"Please baby. Don't ever apologize to me. You've done nothing wrong. You're not responsible for my wrongs, MarMar. You were never responsible, regardless of the things both Ike and I said to you. I don't expect you to be forgiving at all."

They held each other, silently crying as the night went on. Amari went limp in her mother's arms. For the first time in years, she lowered her guard for the woman who abused her for so many years. Of course, Amari still felt a deep hatred for Andrea. Just thinking about the past gave Amari a throbbing headache... Or maybe it was her burning desire for a cigarette. It had been a while since her last one and she was definitely feeling the effects of withdrawal.

"No," Andrea shook her head. "No smoking. Anything but that. W-We can do therapy sessions. T-That is if you want to. Just... Just don't smoke, please."

Amari hadn't even realized she said all of that out loud, but she heard the pain in her mother's voice loud and clear. She nodded against Andrea's chest, a small "Okay" leaving her in a quiet, raspy tone. Amari never once thought of therapy. She thought maybe if she pushed all the hurt inside of her to the back of her mind, the issues would resolve themselves.

They didn't.

The thoughts ate her alive. They kept her awake at night. They ruined her appetite. They made her hobbies unenjoyable. They scared her. Because of her past, Amari couldn't enjoy the rest of her life. She held onto the anger deep inside, and it only got in the way of new relationships she built. Yeah, therapy had to have some chance of helping her get over her toxic past. However, Amari knew that no amount of counseling could allow her to forgive the people who hurt her. They'd have to deal with that. This was the price they had to pay for taking advantage of someone who was too nice.


It's been one hell of a ride.

I apologize for the 3-week wait. I kicked my exams' ass and I managed to find some time between work to type this up. School ended Friday so aside from my job, I'm pretty much free for the summer. I am thinking about a sequel but it will be a LONG while before one will come up. However, I do have other ideas for different bwwm books.

Anyways, the epilogue will be coming soon. I hope you all had a happy fathers day!


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