SCP 893

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SCP Name Given: Pinky

Item #: SCP-893

Object Class: Euclid


-Purple Acid

-Super Speed

-Cat's Eye Vision


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-893 is allowed to roam freely, but only to certain areas, she is quite clumsy and often trips over things, even her own two feet. SCP-893 is a very sociable SCP and loves to chat with people, expressing her feelings with those she considers to be her true friends. Pinky loves to cuddle and often stops the doctors when they are walking in the halls so she can have a cuddle session with them. On a few occasions, she has accidentally harmed the doctors using her Purple Acid, they know that she didn't mean to hurt them, but she almost always cries about it when it happens.

Description: Pinky is a short alien female with pink skin, pink hair, yellow horns, and black eyes with yellow pupils. Pinky is a very energetic alien and loves to explore, and sometimes ends up dragging one of her friends along so they can explore with her. She hates the feeling of being lonely and often cries about it, and one of the SCP's have to help her settle down, which usually ends up being SCP-1062. Pinky is a ball of joy and tries her best to make everyone happy.

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