SCP 1062

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SCP Name Given: Red Strike

Item #: SCP-1062

Object Class: Euclid


-Super Strength

-Glowing Eyes (only works in the dark)

-Sharp Teeth

-Rock Skin

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1062 is the only known SCP who is able to communicate efficiently with SCP-642, which surprises many of the doctors since SCP-642 usually refuses to speak with anybody. SCP-1062 is very helpful and loves to make new friends, which is why he is usually allowed to roam freely, but he isn't aware of his own strength and has accidentally hurt the doctors quite a few times even though they know that he didn't mean to hurt them.

Description: Red Strike is a tall male with a muscular body and red hair that is put up in spikes. Red Strike is a hugger and loves to cuddle up with people. He is very caring and compassionate towards everyone he meets and loves to hang out people. Red Strike is very adventurous and likes to play when he gets the chance, he is a very sociable SCP who will help you through anything, if you get scared, he will hold your hand and tell you everything is alright.

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