Chapter 6

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  When Janis woke up, the first thing she felt was a weight on top of her. He first assumption was Cady, but that was shot down almost immediately upon remembering last night's debacle. There's no way Cady wasn't still mad at her. The other sign it wasn't Cady was the soft thumping.


"Good morning, Rose," She did not want to open her eyes, so she didn't and just fumbled blindly in front of her until her hands met his soft fur, "I hope you got a bath before coming in here."

She opened her eyes and looked around, aside from the irish setter in her lap, she was completely alone in the bedroom. She wondered where Cady could be, until she heard the other girl laugh from down the hall. She ushered Rose off her lap, he wandered over to the door and sat down, waiting for her. When she got up she took a moment to stretch and check the time, 1pm, before grabbing her phone from her bag. Twelve messages and four missed calls, all from Damian.

disaster gay: HOW
disaster gay: DARE
disaster gay: YOU
disaster gay: JANIS WHATT HE FUCK

disaster gay: ok i kno ur ignoring me bitch
disaster gay: fuccing pick up u mess im not going to yell at you im sorry if ur worried i will

disaster gay: ok fine u dont HAVE to talk abt it rn
disaster gay: but i still want u to call or txt when u can
disaster gay: i kno how u are & i kno ur going to try to bottle it all up & im not going to let u hurt urself like that sweetheart
disaster gay: lov u bitch

Janis smiled, she would never not love Damian, he was such a good friend. To her and Cady. She would talk to him about it...eventually, just not right now, maybe later? Right now she just wanted to ignore it as much as she could.

She stuffed the phone into her pocket and walked out the room with Rose tailing behind her into the hall. Janis noticed the hall door was shut, probably since she was still asleep. As she got closer to the door, the voices got louder, she recognized two new voices alongside Cady and Craig's, Phil and Tanner, there was also a third new voice that she didn't recognize. She waited behind the door, listening.

"So like...what are you?" The sentence tied Janis' stomach in knots, leave it up to Phillip to ask something like that, "Like are you a lesbo like Janis or-"

"You can just say lesbian, and no. I've dated guys too, I'm bi."

She heard someone high five, she assumed it was Phil and Tanner. Tanner spoke up, "So like does that mean you'd be down for like a threesome."


"What? It's just a question!"

Janis definitely vomited in her mouth a little. Craig and Tanner bickered for a moment more until Cady interrupted them, "First of all, I'm literally in a relationship so like absolutely not. Second of all, ew. And third of all, ew."

She had her handle on the doorknob, about to walk in and stop her cousins from making the conversation even worse, except she hesitated when Tanner spoke up again.

He scoffed, "Whatever, you're dating Janis. You're in no place to call me gross, like what do you even see in her? There's so many like hot lesbians and you picked her."

A loud smack rang out and then silence.

"What is wrong with you?" Cady's voice had a calm anger in it, she must've slapped him, "Janis is an amazing and beautiful and talented woman and it literally shouldn't matter if you think she's hot or not because she's your cousin first of all so like, ew again, and -"

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