Except for the fact that Cady was definitely not in love with her. Cady liked sporty, conventionally attractive, people who lived life like they lived in a storybook and liked to ignore the harsh realities of life. Like Aaron from Northshore or that cheerleader girl Mac-something or other from their freshman year of college. Janis definitely had none of those qualities, she in fact possessed the opposite qualities.

"You're delirious. Cady is not interested in me, dude."

"Oh, Janis. Poor...sweet...stupid, Janis. Cady most certainly is into you, and while I'm fairly sure you are too, I also believe that it's your choice what to do and all that," Damian's face went dark, "But also if you break her heart, Jan, I will not hesitate to cut you down where you stand."

And with that, Damian left Janis by herself in the entryway while he found a booth to sit at in the coffee shop. Janis sighed as she began walking to meet her friends, Damian has officially lost his marbles. They made quick work of the museum, it wasn't nearly as large as the zoo and it didn't change so much from the last time they visited. At least at the zoo something changed between every trip. Cady and Damian were lounging on the couch already, throwing popcorn at each other and attempting to catch it in their mouths. Janis stayed back in the kitchen, she was in charge of making the hot chocolate since according to both friends, no one did it better than her and her dad.

"Janis! Your dad's calling you!" Cady's hand shot up above the couch, Janis' had vibrating softly in it.

Janis brought the mugs of cocoa to the living room, handing the tray off to Damian as she accepted her phone and walked back into the kitchen, "What's up?"

"Hey, kiddo! Just calling to ask you a question for Craig," She could hear her dad shuffling through papers, he was probably filing away some last minute paperwork, "He wants to know if Cady wants to wear a tux or a dress to the wedding. He asked about you as well, but I assumed you'd want a tux. I can always correct that though if I was wrong."

Janis froze, she almost forgot about the wedding part of the trip. Quietly she was thankful it was her Uncle Craig getting married and not literally anyone else, he was always the nice one. Nice enough to even ask what she wanted to wear to it and not just assume she'd want a frilly dress.

"Uh..no, yeah, that'll work. I-I'll ask Cady, give me a minute."

"Ask me what?" Janis almost screamed, not realizing Cady had gotten up from the couch and entered the kitchen, "My uncle's getting married and we have to go to it. He wants to know if you're gonna need a dress or a tux."

"Oh! Oh, a wedding? Really? Wow, okay, a dress is fine," Cady hopped up and sat on the countertop, swinging her legs.

Janis smiled at her before responding to her dad, "Cady said dress. Oh, and hey, any idea what colors? It doesn't really matter, I'm just curious, yknow?"

"Yeah, I...I think he said something about like, red, white, and blue? Very patriotic, you know how they are."

"Right. Also, since when was Uncle Craig even dating anyone? I haven't seen or heard anything about a girlfriend from him?"

"Ooooh yeah, it's all very hush hush and sudden if you ask me. Mawmaw said they haven't even met the fiancee. We won't know who she is until the wedding. It's all very dramatic, Craig's afraid Mawmaw and Pawpaw won't like her or something so he's not giving them a window to try and "ruin" this for them. But apparently, he's been dating her for a few years now."

Janis scrunched her face up, this was all just asking for a disaster. She understood where her uncle was coming from, but her grandparents would probably only make it so much harder on him after hiding his girlfriend from them for so long. She was absolutely not ready to have to witness this all come crashing down. She was jolted out of her thoughts by a warm hand, locking fingers with her clammy free hand. Cady was grinning up at her from the counter, pulling her closer so she could put her other hand on Janis' shoulder. She mouthed "are you okay," she was worried, of course she was.

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