SCP 109

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SCP Name Given: Izuku

Item #: SCP 109

Object Class: Safe


-Super Punch 

-Super Strength

-Super Speed

-Emits a dark green aura that surrounds him, allowing him to float

Special Containment Procedures:  SCP-109 is allowed to freely roam the facility should he desire to, but otherwise must stay in his pen either between 8PM-9PM for sleeping or during emergency lockdowns for his own safety.

Description: SCP-109 appears to be a boy with messy, dark green hair, and green eyes. He is very friendly and compassionate. He refers to himself as "Izuku", because that is the only name he seems to respond to. Izuku is a bit of a crybaby and gets scared easily, but if need be, he will not hesitate to get himself hurt if it means saving someone else from getting hurt.

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