Ch 4 - Return to London

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Her mouth dropped open and he pushed it closed with one finger. "Can you not see how terribly delightful it would be to have such a secret between us? That, although they might see my pride in you, society would not know how I kneel at your feet in awe."

"It would probably suit you not to lose face by openly being in love with your wife," she teased.

He laughed easily, "I do not believe I should enjoy the ribbing from my acquaintances if it is discovered that in fact Rosie, you have me wrapped around your beautiful little finger."

He pulled off her glove and kissed the offending digit before placing his lips to her hand. "We shall play our roles however. My reputation should suffer indeed, were it known that I become a blethering fool over the wonder that is you."

"That would not do at all." Her palm tingled under his mouth. "I have to admit, I am intrigued by the idea. Although I find your reputation inaccurate and unjust, I will do my utmost to uphold your fearsome status. I too will find it quite diverting."

She pursed her lips as a worrisome thought entered her mind.

"What?" he ran his thumb over them, caressing the pout away.

"I don't want to be seen as... lesser, because society believes you think of me that way." The thought that she would suffer in such an undignified manner was unbearable.

"Rosie, I could not portray that even if I tried." He sounded indignant, "You have my respect and I will show it. You have my pride, and I will show that too. Nobody would find it possible to believe I see you as lesser. They will just see me as unreasonable, over-protective, authoritarian, demanding and perhaps perversely arbitrary." He gave her a ghost of a smile, "Unfortunately, none of that is untrue."

"Ha," she countered, "it may be true, but not for me."

His eyes darkened, "You forget, we have spent a week in our own private idyll. I am almost worried at what you will think of me once you realise I am not perfect."

Apart from the impending punishments, Rosannah had no fear of her good opinion being reduced by anything her husband did. "I believe I already told you, I know you are not perfect, and I stand by what I said. You are perfect for me." She rested her naked hand upon his cheek, "I do not know anyone else who would suffer his own reputation for the sake of affording me some relief. And it will Gray; knowing I can prevail upon you when I am overcome and you will hide my fears with your temper..." Her thumb stroked over his cheekbone as she gazed in his eyes, "... such blissful relief."

He looked down his straight nose and raised his eyebrow, "I would suffer anything to afford you relief."

"And that is why I know it is not true for me," she smiled cheekily, "and if you truthfully do not mind, I believe I may take you up on your offer. There are times when it would be a relief to have a ready excuse to avoid dancing. If I can use your name on occasion, I would appreciate it."

His smile was fat with satisfaction. "Use it," he ordered, "whenever you desire. For dancing or any other thing you wish to avoid. I will be the tyrant and they will adore you."

She was shocked, "I don't wish people to think that of you."

"I do, I find the thought amusing indeed." There was honesty in his look.

"Very well then tyrant. Perhaps I will come and seek permission every time I dance," her eyes glittered with amusement. "We could have a code that lets you determine my wishes."

He ran his finger over his bottom lip, nodding thoughtfully.

"I like the sound of that. How about, when you address me as 'my dear', I shall refuse. When you ask me as Your Grace, I shall allow. Does that sound satisfactory?"

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