Vincent had to win. He wouldn't let her win even if his love was a lie. All he had to do was prove that he and Rosaline are more compatible than the two other lovers across the street. He'd known this woman for years, it shouldn't be too hard. 

Vincent turned his attention back to Rosaline, who gave him her typical smirk. She very well knew the man beside her did not love or care for her all that much. That was fine. She loved and cared for him, and that was enough. After all this time, she'll take what she can get.


Juliet sat with her head in her fist, listening as Harris described their day to Serena and Jeremiah. The four had been sitting at the pub for an hour, waiting on Vincent and Rosaline to show up. It was all small talk and boring conversation. Nothing interesting.

"Did you enjoy your day, dear?" For a moment, Juliet didn't realize Harris had addressed her. She lifted her eyes when the conversation drifted away, only straightening when she realized it was her turn to speak.

"Oh, I did, but I'm not one for pet names-"

Before she could finish the missing couple appeared, and an over-enthusiastic Harris waved them over, completely ignoring her remark. Juliet made helpless eyes at Serena, who quickly understood the message.

"Sorry, we're late everyone, but someone is a bit picky when it comes to her jewelry," Vincent stared Juliet down and grinned his devious grin. Everyone's eyes were too busy studying Rosaline, looking for the jewelry he spoke of.

"Do you have whatever it is on?" Jeremiah asked out of curiosity, wanting to know how much money Vincent had on him to buy jewelry.

"Oh, yes, it's right here!" Rosaline lifted her left hand, showing everyone the gleaming gem on her left ring finger. Shock passed through them all, but mostly Juliet. Never in a million years did she expect Vincent McCoy to become engaged so quickly. Would he send her home now? Does she truly want to go home anymore?

Despite all the fights, she did enjoy being around McCoy.

"Congratulations!" Jeremiah grinned brightly as he ordered them all drinks to celebrate, while Serena seemed to be in too much shock to say much. Juliet gulped down whatever was lodged in her throat before forcing herself to smile.

"I'm so happy for you, congratulations-"

"Is it customary for the man to bring the woman with him to look at rings?" Harris' question was out-of-the-blue, but it was something even Juliet had to wonder. She almost interrupted to say that it didn't matter - especially because she was not so interested in marrying Harris anymore.

"No, we just decided it was best for her to chose. Most men surprise their intended with a ring," Vincent couldn't help but glare at Harris as he spoke. The man was nervous. He was sweating and rubbing his hands on his legs before one of his hands went into his trouser's pocket before exiting and beginning the cycle again. "Now, let's drink!"

Harris was the first to drown his cup, followed by several more to get rid of his nerves. Before long, he was feeling nothing but happiness. Conversations were flowing naturally, everyone was laughing, and it was overall perfect.

"I say that no woman should get engaged until after she's seen a man drunk!" Rosaline pronounced her statement after slamming down her cup, which was quickly shoved aside by Vincent. He had downed a few drinks, but he remained cool-headed despite his drunkenness.

Juliet was the only one to avoid alcohol, seeing as she was completely against it. Look at them all acting like fools because of a few cups of liquor. Serena was cuddled up to Jeremiah, and both of them seemed to be singing along to some song that wasn't being played. Rosaline was shouting out her life philosophies, and Harris was too busy muttering under his breath to pay any attention to her.

Only Juliet and Vincent were of sound enough mind.

"I have an announcement!" Harris suddenly shouted over his cousin, silencing everyone around them. "I'm going to marry this beautiful girl beside me!"

 Cheers erupted around the pub. Juliet couldn't help but be taken aback, considering she never agreed to any such arrangement. "Excuse me?"

"We're in love!"

"No, we are not!" Juliet stood up, ignoring her chair as it fell behind her. Silence occupied the air around them as she faced the drunken man. "How dare you assume my feelings?! How dare you make such an outrageous proclamation without first asking my consent?! I will not be marrying you and I do not love you!"

The words cut deep into Harris, and an old friend of his began to come crawling out. His inebriated self couldn't save her from the deepest, darkest part of his soul. Even as the other drunken patrons began to riot in the cramped space, Harris stood still, shaking with the newfound emotion surging through him and taking control of his actions.

His rage would make her change her mind. He would have her, even if he had to force her love.

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