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The next week goes by faster than Noah and I would have liked. We try to spend as much time as we can together. He leaves in five days and we've been trying not to talk about what's going to happen when he goes back to LA and I stay here.

I finish up my board and head to his room. I unlock the door and find him still in bed. I pull off my shoes and work shirt, wearing a bra and tank top underneath. I quietly crawl in bed with him, sliding under the blankets. I cuddle up closer to him and kiss him softly. He automatically reaches out and cuddles me close.

"Hi," he whisper.

"Hi," I reply back.

"Are you skipping work?"

"Nope all done, it was a very easy day."

"Mmkay." He kisses me softly and we cuddle for a while.

"Do you have to film today?" I ask.

"Yeah, around five."

"Okay," I frown.

"We can hang out after if you want?"

"How long do you think you'll be? I got work tomorrow."

"Shouldn't be too long, it's just a couple scenes."

"Come over when you're done?"

"Okay," he kisses me softly then unwraps himself from me and I groan, pouting at him.


I nod and lay back on the bed. His phone starts to ring and I grab it. "Kyle's calling!"

"Answer it please."


"Did I call the wrong number?"

"I don't know did you Kyle?"



"Where's Cent?"

"Washing his hands in the bathroom."

"Oh okay. What's up?"

"Nothing much just hanging out."

"Did you work today?" Kyle asks.

"Yeah but I'm finished so I came to visit Noah."

"The perks of working at the place your boyfriend is staying at."

"Yeah," I say and look at Noah when he gets on the bed.

"Hey Cart."

"Hey Cent, can I talk to you privately?"

"Anything you have to say you can say in front of Tree."

"If you're sure Cent, it about leaving."

I look at Noah and bite my lip, "I'm gonna go clock out, you two talk."

I get off the bed and look back at Noah, I blow him a kiss, I grab my shirt and put it back on. I leave his room and head downstairs.

I clock out, hand in my board, and grab my stuff from my locker. I head back up to his room and knock.

He answers the door still on the phone. He smiles at me and lets me in. I sit down in our chair as he sits on the end of the bed. "Yeah Kyle. I know it just sucks. Text me later with the info. Yeah bye bro." He hangs up and sits his phone on the bed and looks at me.

"It's bad news isn't it?" I say not wanting to look at him.

"Come here please."

I sit there for a minute then slowly get up, walking over to him and stand between his legs.

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