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I wake up the next morning with the phone next to my head, I groan as I sit up, I see a water bottle and a bottle of pills. I grab both, downing two pills and drink most of the water.

I grab my phone and unlock, I freeze when I see the conversation with Noah. I read over it and want to die. Why am I such an asshole when I drink? I groan.

I slowly get off the bed and go into the bathroom, starting a shower. I strip my clothes off and get in.

After my shower I get dressed in some sweats and a t shirt, I grab my phone and head downstairs.

I go in the kitchen, grabbing a muffin from the counter and some orange juice from the fridge. I head into the living room and see Britt laying there watching tv.

"So I texted him."


"Noah, last night."

"What did you say?"

I hand her my phone and let her read it, "god you're an asshole. Wait what is this about dancing?"

"Um...member when I was a zombie at work and needed music and you suggested Bazzi."


"Turns out I've listen to him before so when I was in Noah's room I was in my own little world and started dancing to one of the songs and he came in."


"I didn't know it, he said he said something but I didn't hear him so he was sitting in the chair in the corner watching me. I went to turn around to grab the pillows and he was just sitting there smirking at me."

"What did he say?"

"Don't stop cause of me."

"And you said?"

"When did you get here? And then he said, the beginning of Beautiful. And then I said and you didn't say anything? And that's when he said he did and I didn't hear him."

"Tree! Were you going to tell me about this?"

I bite my lip and shake my head no.

"Why not?"

"I um didn't want you to meddle or tell Lauren and Ashley and it to cause another argument with us."

"So where does that leave you now?"

"I don't know he wants to be friends and I'm an asshole."

"But he didn't seem to mind?"

"I know the last message is what made me confused."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Drunk me is braver than sober me."

Just then my phone vibrates and I look at it; new text from Noah.

"Shit, he texted me."

"What's it say?"

I open the text;

Noah: good morning Teresa hope to see you later.

"He thinks I work today. Do I tell him I don't?"


Tree: hey I um don't work today or tomorrow so I'll see you Friday.

Noah: oh okay 😕 see you Friday.

"I think you broke his heart," Britt tease and I hit her with a pillow.

"We're just friends if that."

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