My eyes widened to the site of a blurry photo of Brandon wrapping his arms around me while our faces were barely apart. I ran into the bus and threw myself on the couch. I felt a headache sink into me. The boys rushed over at the site of me panicking.

"Ara it's okay," Edwin reassured, bringing me into his arms. Austin brought water from the fridge and handed it to me. I chugged the whole bottle and quickly slipped away from Edwin's grip. I locked myself inside my room and slipped against the wall. I tucked my head into my knees as I watched my phone vibrate from all the news.

.   .   .

It's already been a few hours and Brandon hasn't responded to the news. It was impossible for that boy to not be on his phone for that long. At this point I knew he wasn't planning on defending himself or me. I didn't want to interfere with anything so I decided not to clear anything up on social media. Rumors are rumors and maybe this was some other girl.

unknown number:
get away from my boyfriend


who is this?

unknown number:
bitch don't act like you don't know Brandon's girlfriend

Charlotte leave me alone

unknown number:
leave my boyfriend alone


unknown number:
listen Brandon is mine

and u can have him

unknown number:
u will always be a whore and a slut

u deserve nothing

u deserve none of ur fans

u deserve to rot

listen idk about u but change ur fucking attitude because it's fucking disgusting. I bet you don't even know what went down so don't be a rat to assume.

unknown number:
Don't give me that bull shit bitch the evidence is right there

as long as I'm concerned that could be anyone

unknown number:
Brandon told me the story so don't switch up

u got him drunk and u were the one that was all over him

u kept hitting on him and he told u to stop


unknown number:
don't act like u didn't know what you did

Brandon lied to u that's not what happened

unknown number:
Brandon would never lie to me

clearly he fucking did because I stand by my words bitch

I didn't do that

My hands quickly became fists as I threw my phone across the room. Brandon had the audacity to lie straight through his teeth to his girlfriend to save himself and put me in jeopardy. I banged my hand on the wall a few times and quickly shook my hand in pain. Once I got back home from tour I would punch that bitch so hard he wouldn't even know what hit him. I picked up my phone and screenshotted Charlotte's texts.

"Ara are you okay?" Audrey said, walking into my room. My eyes twitched as I tossed my phone at her. I watched as my sister slowly scrolled through the messages lit on my phone.

"I don't understand," I sighed in anger, "he changes up like ten times a day."

"Do you think this has to do with him leaving your tour?" Audrey questioner handing my phone back to me. I shook my head and pouted.

"I wish he would just get out of my life already," I complained, resting my forehead in my palm. Audrey rubbed my back a few times before leaving my room.

He's really that bitch.

.   .   .

I paced back and forth onstage while I hummed song notes into my mic. Tour already flew by so fast and I was back in LA again. Edwin jumped around the corner and wrapped his arms around me.

"So proud of you Easton," he smiled.

"I love you guys so much," I replied turning off my mic. I was emotionally and physically tired of all the things I've been through this tour but I still loved to perform for my fans. I placed my ear piece into its designated place and stared into the empty venue. I fiddled with my nails at the thought of my last show. I walked backstage and sat on the couch. I took out my notebook and jotted some lyrics down. Nick came running out of the stage and into the couch. He laid down and rested his head on my lap.

"What are you so excited for?" I laughed tucking my notebook away.

"Nothing I wanted to run to feel tired," Nick chuckled. I ran my fingers through his hair as he relaxed to my touch. "Keep doing that ma."

"You dork," I smiled pushing his head away. Nick rubbed his head and placed it back on my lap.

"No seriously keep going it feels nice," Nick said taking my arms and placing it into his hair. I massaged his head until I heard little snores come from his mouth.

.  .  .

My heart was completely torn in two when the crowd stood up and screamed. Performing owned my whole heart and it killed me to know that my tour was over. I bowed a few times extra than usual and blew kisses to the crowd. I ran offstage and immediately hugged my sister.

"I'm so proud of you bub," Audrey beamed as she tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"You a bad bitch," Zion yelled as he joined the hug. I ushered the rest of the boys to join the hug while a few cold tears slipped out of my eyes. For the last time, I kicked the venue door open and danced around for the fans behind the gate. I took a few pictures and signed a few times before heading onto the bus. I packed all my belongings into a luggage and smiled. I was happy to leave this bus and to be in my house again.

.   .   .

Once I got home I collapsed on the wooden floors. I laid flat until Audrey stepped foot inside.

"Get up you buttcheek," Audrey laughed kicking my leg. We decided to cancel the after party due to how tired I was. I could've fallen asleep right on the wooden floors but Audrey kept insisting me to get up. I trudged myself into my room and took off my face products. I flopped down onto my bed and shuffled to the familiar feeling of my sheets. I jolted up to the sound of my ringer on my phone.


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