Chapter 1

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Today was a day you loathed of your whole entire life.

Today is the day you summon your familiar. As its rank will determine the rest of your life.

This will control your fate, your destiny, your hopes, and dreams.

A sure way of knowing what type of destiny it will be is your mana level.

If your mana level one through three; you were to be of low-class citizenship. One or two being definitive lowest level summoning, a one star, which would be a common monster as a slime or beast pirate. Level Three would be a definitive two star as an angel or mermaid/merman. A level four through six determined a summon with a star level of three legends. Seven or eight a guaranteed level four status legend. And level nine is a guaranteed, level five legend who has fully progressed to their full potential.

What type of summoning would also be determined by one of three things; your gender, sexual preferences, and cognitive desires.

The familiar's mental state, sense of morality, and elemental affinity will reflect the master's personality.

The type of summoning process as in which gate they use and what tribe they summon from is determined by what color their mana is.

You, you didn't have a color. Not because it was white or clear.

It was because you had no mana.

That's right you have magical capabilities. Which in your case is disgraceful. For the fact of your family has the most powerful and famous magical lineage. In this world magic is a normal part of life. In fact, magical performance is capable by every living being of this world. And the mana level, depicted by the measured output of the analyzer a basic glorified breathalyzer. This reveals your color/colors and stellar energy

You blow through the pipe that is attached to a crystal glass globe. In the globe is a blue mist resembling an empty galaxy. The galaxy represents unknown potential. Your breath hits the blue mist. This mist changes color depending on elemental affinity. And the number of stars that appear determine your mana level.

When you did it the blue mist grew smaller and disappeared.

Already being the runt of the family you were picked on a lot within the family. More than just by your siblings. As a matter of fact, besides your aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents, the staff of the household treated you like you were invisible.

And that test didn't help the situation.

But your best friends Archie and Maxie, though they fought like fire and water while doing it, always comforted and cheered you up. As a matter of fact, they always seemed to show up whenever you felt even the least bit upset.

"Y/N...Y/N...Y/N!" A man's voice yelled out your name, snapping you back into reality.

It was your father. You frowned as you heard the snickering of your elder brothers and sisters. You walked up to the summoning circle that was prepared. You were about to enter it but was stopped. By your father.

Snickering turned into bursts of maniacal laughter.

"Father doesn't even want you to enter the damn circle" your eldest brother, Rai screeched.

"No shit, he'll probably sully the sacred tradition with his incompetence!" Your third eldest sister, Hana said tears falling down as she hunched over as her gut felt ready to burst from all the hysterical laughter. Your entirety of siblings was roaring with laughter. Even the maids and butlers were snickering a bit.

Man, you wished Archie and Maxie could come. But this summoning temple and ritual were sacred. Interrupting the process, let alone stepping within a hundred yards of this place was sacrilegious. It was even said committing the crime brought ultimate destruction upon those who broke that law via the power of the gods.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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