-: Twenty-Four - Reunited :-

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Third Person POV (years later)

Lisa and Rose sat down on the patio of the small café.

"Thank you!" Lisa called to the waitress.

"I'll be right back to take your drinks," the waitress said.

"Oh, we're actually waiting for someone," Rosé clarified.

The waitress nodded and walked away.

A few minutes passed befor Jennie and Jisoo can wandering on to the patio.

"Lisa! Rosé!" Jennie called, holding her arms out for a hug.

They all hugged, Jisoo included. Lisa was the first to sit down, quickly followed by the rest.

"H-ho-ow ar-re y-you-u t-tw-wo?" Jisoo asked.

"We're good," Lisa responded. "I have my own art studio, and Rosé's a professor at the same college we went to."

Jennie smiled. "Jisoo and I have been traveling around America. My mother refuses to let us get jobs and keeps up funded." Jisoo and Jennie both laughed.

"Well," Rosé said, "Lisa and I actually did something since you left."

Jisoo raised an eyebrow. "W-wha-at?"

Rosé and Lisa smiled at each other. "We adopted a baby!" Rosé yelled.

Jennie and Jisoo squealed. "R-rea-ally-y?" Jisoo asked.

"Congratulations, you two!" Jennie called. "You'll make a great family."

"Thank you," Lisa responded.

They all talked and laughed for the rest of the night. It was just like only times in the high school cafeteria. All four of them, eating and talking. The only difference was, they could stay as long as they wanted. And they did. They were finally reunited.

~ E N D ~

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