Chapter 11 - Final Chapter

Start from the beginning

You had thought about it, Stefan was willing to give up everything to be with you, he was willing to give up his immortality to create a future with you...

"I have thought about it..." you said, you could see the excitement in Stefan's eyes, he looked like a child on Christmas morning.

"And?" He asked eagerly.

"I'll do it, yeah." You presses your lips against Stefans. You could feel the excitement through the kiss. "Tonight, we will do it tonight." You managed to say between the kissing.

Night had come, anxiously you paced Stefans bedroom floors, Stefan shook his head at you and laughed.

"You don't have to worry." Stefan tried to reassure you.

"What if you drink too much of my blood and then you age rapidly and die?" You frowned.

"Then we will put the blood in a small container or cup and I'll drink it that way." Stefan grabbed your hands in his. "This is what I want, for so long I've wanted to be human again." His eyes lit up. "I just... there's no one in the world who I would rather be human with, than you." Stefan kissed your cheek. "(Y/N), you came into my life when I needed you most, to me, it feels like I've known you a lifetime." His voice was soft as he kissed your cheek once more.

"Stefan... I want nothing more than to believe you, but it's only been two months, we've known each other for two months... I'm just, skeptical. I mean, after you almost dying to save my life, it made me realise that I do care about you, I do have really... strong feelings and it's so hard to put into words." You rubbed your temples in frustration as you tried to find the words.

"Then show me." He smiled cupping your face, his lips gently pressed against yours, you melted into the kiss, your stomach churning with butterflies. "I know how I feel, (Y/N), I know that I love you." He said in almost a whisper. You felt your heart leap in your chest, you'd dated before but love? You'd never fallen in love... until now...

"I love you." You smiled kissing him once more. "So, shall we do this?" You held up your wrist to Stefan who nodded. He rummaged through his bedside table and pulled out a small pocket knife, he gently pricked your palm, it stung a little but it didn't hurt too much. You watched Stefan collect the blood in a small glass, soon the glass had about a centimetre in height of your blood in. Stefan looked at you once more before gulping down the liquid.

"See you on the other side." Stefan smirked, you couldn't help but giggle at him as you watched him stumble towards the bed. You watched him lie down on the bed, his eyelids fluttered shut. You sat on the bed and pulled his head into your lap, gently stroking his head as he went under the transformation. It seemed like an eternity, waiting for him to wake up...

Your mind raced with so many thoughts, you never thought you'd fall in love in Mystic Falls, never mind with a vampire... but you had. You had fallen madly in love with Stefan in such a short amount of time, maybe it was the fact he was more human than vampire with his morals and personality? Or maybe it was because he was willing to die for you and that kind of commitment doesn't come easily to anyone. Whatever it was, you loved him. You could see Stefans eyes flicker open, you helped him sit up in the bed.

"How are you feeling?" You asked.

"Like I've just woke up after a night drinking copious amounts of bourbon!" Stefan held his head tenderly. "Pass me the knife."

You grabbed the pocket knife and handed it to Stefan, you watched as he sliced into his palm, his blood dripped onto the pristine white bed sheets. You both stared at the wound on his palm, watching it intently, waiting to see the first sign of the wound congealing.

"It's... it's not healing?" Stefan looked at you with wide eyes, you smiled widely at him.

"It worked Stefan!" You threw your arms around his neck in excitement.

"There's only one way to be sure." Stefan pulled his curtains partially open, sunlight streamed in through the gap, Stefan slipped off his ring and placed it on the bed. Inhaling deeply he stepped into the stream of sunlight. You closed your eyes, part of you was afraid of what could happen... but you didn't hear anything other than a sob escape from Stefans mouth.

"I'm... human (Y/N)" he turned to you, tears streaming down his face.

"Yes, you are." You smiled as you rose to your feet, you stood in front of him and wiped his tears away with the back of your hand. "You're human." You whispered.

There are two epilogues, one for if you want children with Stefan, one for if you don't want children. Or read both!

The Vampire Diaries - Stefan Salvatore (ReaderxCharacter)Where stories live. Discover now