Chapter Six

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Two years later

"Mommy! Where's my book!?" Caydence asked, the five year old had become obsessed with Dr. Seuss and every book he'd written.

"Is it not on your bookshelf?" Yumiko asked.

Caydence makes her way into the living room and shakes her head. "Not there."

"Tried your school bag?" Yumiko suggested.

Magna walks into the room, rocking a fussing newborn. "Miko, have you seen Jaxson's pacifier?"

"On the counter in the kitchen." Yumiko said.

Nodding her head, the blonde carries her son into the kitchen and grabs his pacifier before moving back to the living room. "Cay, your book is on the kitchen table."

Caydence ran towards the kitchen in a blur.

Chuckling, Magna sits down beside Yumiko on the couch, her son cradled in her arms. "I can't wait to lose this baby weight." she mumbles.

Yumiko giggled. "Now you know how I felt."

"You barely gained a pound with Ellie, I'm like Shamoo." Magna mumbles, looking toward her wife. "Speaking of our three year old, where is she?"

"In her room, coloring." Yumiko said, trying to stop laughing. "I felt like a balloon."

Pouting, Magna looks down at her stomach. "Yeah well I look like I swallowed at least ten." she whines even though she only had a small baby weight bump.

Yumiko laughed.

"It's not funny." the blonde complains, tears filling her eyes. The pregnancy had made her more emotional.

"It is." Yumiko said. "You'll look back on this and laugh."

Shifting, Magna turns her attention back to the now sleeping baby.

Yumiko calmed down and looked at their son. She smiled. "He's handsome."

"He is." The blonde says softly, running her finger along his cheek.

"I love you." Yumiko said.

Glancing toward her, Magna smiles softly. "I love you." she responds.

Yumiko kisses Magna's cheek.

Jaxson suddenly begins shifting in Magna's arms and releases a soft whine.

"Shh." Magna began rocking the little boy.

A slightly louder cry escapes the baby just as Ellie comes out of her bedroom excitedly.

The little girl's excitement drops when she sees both her moms distracted by the baby and she drops her drawing. The three year old runs back into her room, tears filling her eyes. She was jealous and didn't like that the baby was getting all the attention.

"Are you alright?" Caydence asked stopping in the doorway.

Nodding her head, the little girl climbs on her bed and pulls her blanket over her head.

Caydence frowned and entered the room. "No you aren't."

Ellie just ignores her older sister and curls into a ball, softly crying into her pillow.

"Ellie?" Caydence said, climbing on the bed.

The three year old continues ignoring her.

"Stop ignoring me." Caydence said.

"Go way." the three year old responds, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"No." Caydence said.

Yumiko made her way into the room to get the girls ready for lunch. "What's going on?"

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