29: D

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After finding you all over the school, I saw you crying on your knees.

My heart ached as I wrap my arms around you.

" Go away, Yoongi!"

You said as you pushed me away from you.

" Jihee, please listen I was taken advantage. I saw the video just now. I'm sorry please forgive me."

I begged.

" The pain you gave me was unbearable. I could barely sleep last night thinking about it. I didn't eat since the other day. I can't get off my mind thinking about the same thing. It hurts so much that I felt like I was dying. I even cried my heart out last night. I just gathered the courage to go to school today, to face you, to face her. I pretend to be strong but I can't and now I'm crying because of the same thing again. I can't believe this happened. My heart hurts..."

You said while crying non stop.

" Jihee, if I know that was just a trap then I could refused. If I could turn back time then I won't go. If I wasn't drunk I would push her away... I'm so sorry..."

I said.

" Yoongi, you knew what's happening why didn't you push her! I can't take this anymore... It really hurts. My friend and my boyfriend to see that..."

" Jihee please..."

" I've had enough of this, l–let's end this."

You said in between your cries.

" No, please! I'm sorry...Let's fix this!"

I begged you for the millionth time I don't mind as long as I earn your forgiveness.

" Let's break up, I'm sorry too Yoongi and thank you for all of the memories. This may be the last time you'll see me. Goodbye, I love you."

You stood up with your shaking body as you run away.

I stood there for a second before dropping into my knees, tears invading my eyes as they started to drop endlessly.

Seesaw || BTS Min Yoongi✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ