11: A

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I thought it was easy.

No, it's not I was wrong.

As day pass, my feelings would get stronger and stronger.

It made me harder to get rid of it.

It has been a month since that happened.

It was already summer vacation.

My mother wanted me to visit them back in Daegu.

At first I refused since I didn't want you to feel lonely.

It was always you and me.

I told Hoseok about my mother wanted me to go back to pay a visit.

He told me to go for it since I haven't visited them for a year.

I then agreed.

I talked to Hoseok to check on you.

I know you are not a kid but I just wanted to make sure.

He will tell you that I left but I'll be back.

I also told him to hang out with you so you wound not be bored.

I know for sure that I'll miss you.

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