26: A

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You didn't come to school the next day.

I don't even know why.

So I decided to go to your house.

I knocked and rang the doorbell many timesbut you didn't open it.

" Maybe she's not home?"

I forgot about the guy next to me.

" Why didn't she tell me?"

I asked Hoseok who had a concern face. 

I know you live alone that's why I'm hella worried.

I fished for my phone and text you.

' Why didn't you go to school today?'

I waited for a few minutes then texted you again.

' I'm in front of your house where are you?'

I sighed when I received no reply.

" What happened to her?"

Hoseok asked as he knocked again but there was no answer.

" I don't know."

I replied as I pulled my hair in frustration.

Where are you?

Days passed and it became a week, you didn't go to school.

I would go to your house everyday and wait until night waiting for you to go home but you didn't.

Whatever fault I did, I'm sorry just please come back.

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