Rebelling || Kouha x reader

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[Kouha x cross-dressing! rebellious! reader]

hey everyone! we're back and this time with a Kouha x reader requested by this lovely bean, Spac3Bby!

Also! slight warning if you're sensitive to things such as child marriage, sexism, and stuff like that. I was given an idea and exaggerated it greatly, also, the reader insert's dad will trigger you.

(Y/n) = 'Your name'
(l/n) = 'last name'
(H/c) = 'Hair color'
(S/c) = 'Skin color'
(E/c) = 'eye color'

• • • = time skip. It's pretty simple.

(Y/n)'s personality in this one-shot: She's definitely not afraid to speak up if she doesn't like something, or someone, she will let you know it.
And, an obvious one, she's rebellious and will test the limits of your rules.


(Y/n) scowled deeply at her father, the king, upon him announcing that one of (Y/n)'s sisters were betrothed to a prince of Kou, Prince Kouha to be exact, Prince Kouha of the Kou empire. (Y/n)'s sister, however, Zuly, let out a squeal of excitement, somehow containing herself from throwing her arms around her father as she instead bowed deeply in thanks.

"thank you so much, Father!" Zuly exclaimed, backing away to the door before turning and leaving she called. "I must go and prepare for his arrival!" After her leave, (Y/n)'s father quickly dismissed everyone, and all of (Y/n)'s sisters and brother pilled out of the throne room, now leaving only (Y/n) who wasted no time in storming up to her father, rage boiling in her (E/c) eyes.

(before anything happens, the name Zuly came from a name randomizer so don't ask, also if that is your name my recommendation is to change the sister's name to whatever you feel like, or if you don't want a sister named Zuly I guess.)

"How could you!" (Y/n) snapped, gritting her teeth as glared, her father only huffed, returning the glare to his daughter as he coldly responded.

"What? She seems happy with the engagement." his voice brimmed with Authority, "besides, its tradition for the princesses of our kingdom to be engaged by thirteen, and because of you I've had to dismiss that tradition, she should've been married with Children by now since she's sixteen!"

"She's still a kid! sixteen is too young for something like this!"

"You and all your sisters and nothing more than women, know your place!" (Y/n)'s father snapped, "all of you should've been married off, but because of you and your rebelling I wasn't able too!"

'smack!' the sound of (Y/n) slapping her across the face echoed through the throne room. "you are disgusting!" And with that, the (h/c) female whipped around and stormed out.

flopping onto her bed defeatedly, (Y/n) threw off her feminine clothing, replacing them with a more comfortable males archer uniform, muttering curses under breath about her father. (Y/n)'s kingdom was stuck in the olden ages, her father especially, and it disgusted her. Why must she be underestimated because she was a woman? it didn't make any sense to her, what was the point of these beliefs?

it was around (Y/n)'s twelfth birthday when she had begun to rebel against her home's beliefs and laws, the first one she rebelled against was that by thirteen all princesses were to be engaged and by fourteen married, it was a tradition but (Y/n) didn't find it hard to break, she just made all her suitors hate her, which was rather easy, thankfully. however, in her country, being married by 16 was normal, expected, married any younger and it was a symbol of high status, so princesses being married off the year they become of age made sense at her home.

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