chapter Two

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We walked down the long hallways of the main building and found the class room labeled 1-A, Shouto opened the door and we walked in I shut it behind us. Both of us took a seat in the back of the classroom. A few minutes later a girl with black hair tied back into a ponytail walked in and sat down a row in front of us, as soon as she sat down Erasure head walked in and introduced himself to be our potential homeroom teacher.

He explained what we would be doing and how he expected more out of us sense we where recommended. We where also told that during this time we where to get our stuff and move fully into the dorms as well as giving us our actual student IDs.The girl who I found out later to be Momo left to get her stuff after a few minutes.

"Mr. Aizawa Can I get a new uniform because the one that was sent to me doesn't fit. Also, will Shouto and I be sharing a room?" Aizawa wrote something down on a clip board before handing it to me "for your new uniform just finish filling this out with your correct measurements and you should get it with in two days. As for wanting to share rooms can I ask, why?" I nodded as I quickly filled everything out and handed it back to Aizawa

"Oh the reason why I'm asking is because Shouto and I are married and I have to be near him at all times of the day as I am technically also his bodyguard of sorts" Aizawa nodded "yeah, Endeavor set up your shared room but he wouldn't tell any of us the reason" we nodded as he waved us off. We stood up and made our way out of the room and back outside, we headed to the mansion to collect our things so we could start moving everything in.

Getting to our rooms we finished packing up everything we need and did a quick check afterwards, after making sure we grabbed all of our needed things we started to head back to UA. After swiping our IDs back in we walked to the dorms. On the way we passed the training fields were the entrance exam was taking place, we stopped for a moment to watch them before continuing walking to the dorms.

We walked inside and saw Aizawa waiting for us, He gave both of us a key and told us which floor our room was on. He told us the number and pointed in the direction of where the elevators were, We followed where he pointed. After finding the elevator we pressed the button and waited for the elevator to open.

Once it did we walked in and pressed the sixth floor, the doors shut and the numbers that where being displayed started gaining. A few minutes later we came to a stop and the doors opened, we walked out and headed down to the end of the hallway. Both of us had our own doors to open so to others it would seem we where in separate rooms, Both of us unlocked our door and walked in.

I set the stuff I was carrying down near a closet as shoto put his closer to the bed. I looked around the room and found that we had a small bathroom that consisted of a toilet and sink and bathtub sense the main bathrooms where downstairs. I started to unpack as shouto put some of the things away, After a few minutes we finished and walked over to our main window which had a memorizing view of the campus and some of the city. We heard a knock at the door so I opened the door to find Aizawa waiting

"Endeavor wanted me to check on both of you and see if the room is suitable" Shouto nodded his head which Aizawa didn't see "Yeah the view is nice and the room is similar to our old one" Aizawa nodded before he handed me a schedule, I took it from him quickly skimmed it. I rose an eyebrow which Aizawa couldn't see

"Allmight is going to be our teacher?" He nodded

"yeah, He randomly decided to become one" I nodded my head "Is there anything else you need?"  "No, If you need anything else My rooms next door Than allmight and present mic's" I nodded sort of in question. Aizawa shook his head and walked back down the hallway and turned the corner out of sight. I closed the door and walked over to where Todoroki was watching from. He put his arm around my waist "Do you want to observe the entrance exam?" I nodded In agreement.

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