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Hi everyone! What's up? We just hit 200 reads!!! Ack! This is amazing!!!! I think the count right now is 211! Thank you guys sooo much! Also, I'm thinking about starting my own story. A fantasy on another planet. I have some pretty intricate ideas that I want to test out. Please let me know if you want to see that! I have not gotten any comments whatsoever yet and I really want to hear your feedback. Anyways, on with the story!

"Wow! That's crazy." Tam said.

"Please Elwin! We need to hear his story! We need to start planning immediately! He might know something that could help us finally defeat the Neverseen." Sophie said as she started pacing around the room. Her mind was spinning. If Tam knows something, we can defeat them once and for all. This war would be over.

Elwin thought for a moment before he sighed and said, "I suppose your just going to ask him as soon as I leave anyways, so I might as well hear the story too anyways. Plus, it could help home keep his mind off of his injuries."

"Well then. I guess I should start from the beginning." Tam said. After everyone was looking at him, he began. "When I first got to the Neverseen's hideout or headquarters I guess. It sounded like they kept me at the place they always meet at. Well anyways, when I got there, they blindfolded me and three me into a dark room." Everyone was staring wide eyes right at Tam. He stopped to catch his breath then continued, " That room was the one I stayed in for the rest of my 'visit'. Every morning when I woke up, they would open the locked door and guards would expect me to breakfast. After that I would go to my first session of training" Tam said. "What did they reach you?" Fitz asked. " my ability mostly. They started to really train me how to use shadowflux. A lot more advanced than Lady Zillah ever taught me. She probably just didn't want me to use it to my advantage. " It was Sophie's turn to ask a question this time. "Wait. How did they reach you if their only shade is.... You know." Despite being a part of the Neverseen, a life is still a life. No matter who it belonged too.

" they gave me all of her notes. All of her books. Anything she could possibly have left in order too help me. I think they needed another shade for some important mission they were planning or something because it seemed like they were in a rush. Anyways, after I studied a certain skill, they had me practice. Practice on another Neverseen member. But I wouldn't. No, I couldn't. " Tam was tearing up now, probably lost in thought thinking about it. "So" he said snapping back. "whenever I didn't do what they wanted, they would strike me." Linh gasped. " it wasn't that bad. Just a couple cuts. Probably where I got most of my injuries. " he said trying to comfort her a little bit. Then he started explaining how he escaped. When he was done, everyone started talking.

"Who do you think the women was?"

" how did they find you on the airplane? "

"What plan so you think the Neverseen has that requires a shade?"

" what should we prepare for next? "

These where all question everyone had. Tam eventually got tired of the yelling and said:

"Everyone! Listen up. I don't know the answers to most of your questions. I learned almost nothing while at the hideout and have as good a guess if who that women was as you. We can figure this out together. But for now, you need to calm down and we should probably call Forkle. He might actually come up with a plan along with the rest of the Black Swan."

Everyone murmured in agreement

"I'll hail him right now" Fitz said quietly

A few minutes later

Mr. Forkle knocked on the door not long after Fitz hung up his imparter promising that it was an emergency.

"I came as soon as I could!" Magnate Leto said as he burst through the door. " Fitz said it was an emergency, so I didn't have time to switch identities. Is everyone alright ? What happ-" he stopped when he spotted Tam.

"He arrived not long ago in a pretty beat up condition." Elwin told him. " I've been trying to get him back to health. "

"My, how did you ever escape the Neverseen?" Magnate Leto asked him. With that, he went on to explain the whole story. After about 15 minutes, when Tam was done explaining, Magnate Leto sat down in an armchair opposite Tam.

"We were hoping you may know something about the woman who helped him, or perhaps come up with a plan to find out." Sophie said.

"I am afraid I do not have an answer for you." Magnate Leto said after a moment or two. "I realize that I have been secretive in the past, but I tell you this in full honesty. Whoever that woman was, is not a friend. She may act like it, but she cannot be trusted." He said.

"I take it you know if this woman?" Sophie asked. He nodded.

" she does work against the Neverseen but untrustworthy. I have had my experience with her. " He said.

"What did she do? Who is she? Please don't be all secretive. Please." Sophie begged.

" if I tell you this, you must not act against this woman and you must not tell a soul. Again, do not act upon impulse because you will want to harm her. " Magnate Leto told them. He did not continue until they all nodded.

"The woman you speak of is a very strong telepath, and you will not find her in the registry. This is because she is a twin. A twin of someone you have heard quite a lot about."

By this point everyone was at the edge of their s ways in anticipation, going through everyone they knew their heads, trying to figure out who her sibling was. But, nothing could have prepared them for what came out of the principal's mouth.

"She is the sister of Fintan. Her name is Fontana."

" WHAT?!?! " Everyone shouted in unison.

Sophie 's mind was spinning. If she was the sister, no, twin! Of Fintan, what kind of person would she be? Forkle seemed to not trust her, so that must be the reason. Also, she is supposedly working against the Neverseen. Meaning she was working against her brother. So, why did Forkle not trust her? Especially since she helped save Tam? All of her questions were answered when Magnate Leto spoke again.

"There's just... One more thing you should know." He hesitated and looked awfully nervous. " Sophie... She worked with us around the time of project Moonlark. She was the one to donate her DNA. Sophie... She is your mother"

I am soooooo sorry this took so long to update. I'm juggling multiple things on my plate right now, and just came up with this idea today. Before then, I couldn't think of any ideas. Also, I started a new story, called Lost, and I have tons of ideas for it. Go check it out if you like fantasy like KOTLC or Harry Potter. I'm hoping it turns out OK. Again, thank you guys for everything! I had no idea this could get so big! I know 200 is not that much, but it's huge for me! Thank you! Byeeeeee

Kotlc- After Flashback- Sophitz *DISCONTINUED*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin