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Hello fellow Keeper of the Lost Cities fans! This is my very first time to write anything for the public to see. Despite my good grades, I am not the best writer. Please don't hate! Also, I am also quite young, so no fowl language of anything you would not tell a young girl. I will try to update reguraly , but I have a busy summer ahead. Ok, on with the story.

Unmatchable. Unmatchable. Unmatchable. The words kept floating around Sophie's head without carrying any value yet. The word made her feel numb and she couldn't quite process why. Unmatchable, unmatchable, unmatchable.

"Sophie? Sophie!" Juji and Brisa where standing in front of her trying to get her attention , finally, Sophie blinked and looked up at them. They both let out sighs of relief. "We've been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes! We were about to go get your parents or hail a physician!" Brisa said.
Sophie still had not said anything yet still trying to process what had just happened in the last few minutes. She wanted to cry, but at the same time, she wanted to get answers as soon as possible.
When she finally found her voice, she asked, "w-what exactly does u-unmatachable even mean?" She stuttered.
Juji and Brisa shared a look before Juji spoke up saying, "this has never happened before, Sophie. We don't know why you would be considered unmatchable, though we do have a few ideas that we will look in to." When Sophie didn't respond, Brisa said, "How about you go back out to your parents and head home. We will keep you updated in case we learn anything. In the mean time, don't worry about it. We'll figure it out. Trust us."
Sophie nodded, not quite trusting her voice. Juji got up and opened the door for her and Sophie went out to the waiting room to find a hopeful and excited Grady and Edaline. Their faces fell as soon as they spotted Sophie.

"You ok, kiddo?" Grady asked with a sympathetic smile on his face. Juji came out and asked to speak with her parents. They went into her office and were no doubt told everything, because when they came out, they ran over and hugged Sophie with the biggest best hug ever thought possible. "Let's go home" Edaline whispered, and off they went.
Basically, they get home and Sophie runs to her room and bursts into tears.

Sophie wanted to lie in her bed forever. Nothing could go wrong there. She couldn't hurt anyone and no one could hurt her. It seemed perfect. Unfortunately, life goes on and that includes hers. She sits up as she hears another's voice in her head. She immediately knew who it was. (Sophie is bold and Fitz is italics)

Hey Sophie! I heard you went to the matchmakers office today! How did it go?

He sounded so excited. It hurt Sophie because she didn't want to ruin her relationship. But, he had to know the truth. No matter what it was

Not so great... Are you sure you want to know?

I'm sure.

How about you just come over. I might be able to handle this better in person.

I'll be right over

I'm going to end it there for right now. I might update a bit later. I'm really not expecting any reads on this, but I thought it was worth a shot. Again, I'm sorry about any mistakes I have made. Please comment on ways I can improve. Thank you to the imaginary people reading this.

Omg! I'm reading this about a month later, and we just hit 100 reads on the part!!! Woo hoo! This is a huge accomplishment!! Thank you sooooo much for reading this!!!

Kotlc- After Flashback- Sophitz *DISCONTINUED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora