Episode 6

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(It's been 6 days, in the past 6 days nothing has happened really, Mira and Maeko never brung up the subject that Mira would have to kill someone.)

(It's 09:26, Mira checks her phone)

New message from Aliya

Aliya: yo
Mira: greetings
Aliya: I'm the air angel
Mira: wait what?
Aliya: yeah and no one told me >:0
Mira: I- ok
Aliya: why didn't you guys tell me
Mira: are you... angry¿
Aliya: nope lol
Mira: ok, we didn't even know that you were I guess
Aliya: it happened a month ago
Mira: ahh, cool
Aliya: also me and bel are coming over to that care home and we are half way there, we asked if we could stay for 3 weeks so then we can all hang n stuff
Mira: what about Mao and Marie
Aliya: they couldn't come, but Michael could so yeah we basically stole maos brother
Mira: he probably wanted to come with you just so he could share a room with Olly
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aliya: probably lol, I mean Mrs L said that there is two spare rooms and me and bel did agree to share but Michael could be with Olly
Mira: lol
Aliya: OwO hi Mira!!!
Mira: uH hi
Aliya: srry bel took my phone
Mira: it's ok
Aliya: we will be going now g00dbyee
Mira: bye

(Mira hears a knock on the door and she goes to open the door)
Maeko: helloooooo
Mira: hi
Maeko: so I got something
Mira: what you get
Maeko: a contact lense with a hidden camera in it for tonight
Mira: what's to- oh yeah...
Maeko: at least it's not going to be someone we know
Mira: yeah I guess. But still it's murder
(Maeko hands Mira the box with the contact)
Maeko: I'll be heading off now, bye!!
Mira: bye!
(A few hours later)

(Some one knocks the door and Mira opens it)
Aliya: helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Bel: hi Mira!!
Mira: hey! Nice to see you guys again!
Aliya: get yo stuff we are going swimming
Bel: we have Mrs mt
Maeko: my name is Maeko
Bel: I forgot I'm so sorry!!
Maeko: don't be!!
Aliya: we also got Gigi and Miyu
Gigi: herro herro
Miyu: hey
Mira: I'll go and get my stuff!
(Mira packs her things and rushes out to the others, they all head off to a local swimming pool, they all get changed)
Mira: I'm a little self conscious with my body at the moment..
Maeko: don't be mira your beautiful!!
Mira: remember my back markings
Miyu: your lomot?
Mira: yeah
Gigi: wait, Miyu are you seriously going to wear your eye patch in the pool
Miyu: yeah it's water proof, plus I don't want to look like sans the skeleton in a swimming pool
Aliya: me and bel is clear of lomot
Bel: what's a lomot
Maeko: we will explain later, let's go!
(They all head off into the pool, Gigi can't swim so she stayed at the shallow end with bel who can't also swim and Miyu who actually can)
Bel: Miyu I have never noticed that you have a six pack
Miyu: because I'm a man
Bel: wait really-

Maeko: don't be mira your beautiful!!Mira: remember my back markings Miyu: your lomot?Mira: yeahGigi: wait, Miyu are you seriously going to wear your eye patch in the poolMiyu: yeah it's water proof, plus I don't want to look like sans the skeleto...

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