Episode 1

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(It's been a month since Mira has agreed to join the hacking group Serena is apart of called the hack. Today, after Maiden High is finished for the summer Mira is going to officially join The Hack.)

(In the morning of the last day of school)

Mira: *eating breakfast*
(The door bell rings)
Mira: *goes to the front door and opens it*
Maeko: morning!
Mira: come in
(Maeko comes in and they sit in the kitchen. Mira finnished her breakfast they leave the house to go to school)

Mira: it's weird, I'm going to join a hacking group and I don't even know how to hack
Maeko: yeah
Mira: I mean.. Serena has told them that I can't hack but I'm the water angel and I have betrayed my friends to help them
Maeko: your not going to betray us.. right?
Mira: what?
Maeko: sorry, it's just I'm scared... what if they do something too you? After all they have some powerful chemical called LOMOT that changes the human body. They can have anything
Mira: I'm aware but if I don't do anything things will get worse
Maeko: just... please be careful. I love you a lot
Mira: I will. And I love you too

(They arrive at the school)

(School has now finished. Mira and Maeko are leaving the school walking with eachother. Serena is waiting at the gate for Mira)
Serena: good evening Mira, and Maeko
Mira: hey
Maeko: hi... I have a question if you don't mind
Serena: they won't try anything on Mira.
Maeko: it's not that
Serena: ask away
Maeko: why did you cut my hair when your also against the group? And when we all met in that alleyway you seemed legit with being against us
Serena: what? I haven't ever seen you in real life?
Maeko: But you did
Serena: that must of been Georgie.. sorry
Mira: who is Georgie?
Serena: she is a member of The Hack
Mira: The Hack is the hacking group, right?
Serena: yep. I need to quickly go over something. Our leader, Georgie and Holly all have got powers. How they got them? We found a way of getting our powers from the game. The whole aim of The Hack is to give everyone in every universe powers, we are doing this because knowing this generation everyone would be challenging anything and people don't understand that this is real life so if you loose, you die. So because of this it will cause an end to infinity.
Mira: that's... quite scary..
Serena: and your going to be our hero, Mira
Maeko: what power does Georgie have?
Serena: the ability to look like someone else, so copycat, just like Maos element
Maeko: and would Mira and you get a power?
Serena: gosh you sound like your miras mother, we will be, if we succeed in stopping them Mira would most likely become a Saviour
Mira: me? A saviour!? Why not you?
Serena: because I'm helping you, your going to be the hero
Maeko: so she is going to be just as known as MeddyGood and Nick? Universe travellers!?
Serena: yes, just as famous as them. They both have saved the universe before
Mira: but they both are freakishly strong!! If I'm going to get water then there is no way I'm going to be strong enough!
Serena: your the water angel
Maeko: so she would be able to turn into a angel in real life!?
Serena: basically. We better go before they suspect anything
Maeko: ok.. *hugs mira* good luck!
Mira: *hugs back* thank you

(Serena and Mira head off too The Hacks secret building. The building was a half an hour walk since it's hidden in some random forest. For the whole way Mira and Serena never talked. They entered the building and went up the stairs to enter the main room.
Serena: hey.
Dan: hewwooooo owowo
Serena: dan what the fuck your going to scare Mira off
Holly: so is this the water angel thing?
Georgie: Hm....
Serena: yeah this is Mira. Like I have said she has betrayed her friends to join us
Holly: fuck yeah betrayal!! Your friends are going to be soooo pissed at you
Mira: I... don't call them friends really
Dan: then what do you call them
Mira: I call them.. people? Just people I don't like
Dan: interesting? So Serena has interested you in joining us?
Mira: yeah we met in the game.
Holly: *puts a arm around mira and stares at her* Well if your friends find out we would simply kill them. After all Taeko is dead, bet you were glad

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